Mittelt's training/Show me your Motivation

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Izou and Mittelt can be seen training in the mountains, it's the only place where they can actually be left alone without being attacked.

Izou: (Two weeks since I started training this girl not only has she gained a new pair of wings, she has also improved quite well.)

Mittelt has been learning quite a lot since she has started living with him, she is able to make different weapons made out of holy light and her martial arts has improved. And now she is 4 winged fallen angel.

It was very impressive and since she improved so much he awarded her with anything she wanted.

She wanted a Nintendo switch and insisted they play Mario kart which he got his ass kicked but her at it.

Izou: (I could have won multiple times in those races if not for those blue shells that can fuck up anybody's day.)

But also he had been wondering why she was so damn sturdy for her age.

Izou: (I kicked her through a tree and she barely had any wounds. even though I am holding back any other fallen angel would have been knocked and she should would have been in critical condition, but all she got was a bruise on her stomach and some blood coming put of her mouth.)

Izou decided to test her durability a bit more and there was no way she was simply just a fallen angel she too strong for her age too.

While she can't beat Izou she can give him a good sweat.

Mittelt: To be honest all this time I thought living with you was going to be tough be honest I'm actually learning a lot from you.

Izou responds saying

Izou: Well I can't be there to save you from someone every single time. You will have to get stronger since there are some assassins still coming for me.

Mittelt didn't understand why he was hated so much of anything he took the heat for those ungrateful bastards and they continue to give him trouble.

Mittelt: I don't get why they are still doing that despite you giving them a seems they don't learn.

Izou: Exactly...devils in general are arrogant and would do anything to get what they want and that arrogance will be their downfall for good one day.

Mittelt: What about you? You're a devil, aren't you a bit arrogant yourself?

Izou: True, I can be a bit arrogant and cocky I'm probably the only one who would admit it, but even I know I'm still weak in terms of power.

Mittelt: Why do you still live here in the underworld? you have a place that you bought a week ago. speaking of new I want to drive that car that you bought!!

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