Serafall, the past never forgets/What is Mittelt really?

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Izou was called to satan office again and decided to bring mittelt with him he decided to see if her training has been paying off.

Izou: Mittelt my next mission is coming now and you will be coming with me so remember your training and you will be fine.

Mittelt: Got it, by the way what was all that yesterday about my will? Was it a test?

Izou looks back at her and answers,

Izou: I don't test. I teach.

Izou walks forward while Mittelt stops for a little bit thinking about his statement.

Mittelt: (That line was fucking cool.)

Izou and Mittelt walks into the room and they see the four satans seemingly ready to give him his next mission.

Izou: I'm here...what's my next mission?

Falbium: Your next mission is in London, we have had reports about kokabiel kidnapping kids to make strong subordinates for him to start a war.

Mittelt releases killing intent, surging all around her.

Mittelt: (Kidnapping kids for and for what?! starting another fucking war!!...and what the hell is Azazel doing?! And they just got this information?! Azazel should have known he was gone from the Grigori the moment he stepped out of the territory!!)

Izou gives her a look which makes her reel in her aura back into her.

Izou: And why isn't Azazel doing anything about it? It's his faction that's causing problems so shouldn't he handle it?

Ajuka: That may be true but he can't keep an eye on everything that happens inside the Grigori.

Izou: He has subordinates does he not? Why didn't they report any weird movements from him? If he is a blood thirsty maniac as you four claim he is, he should be watched at all times.

Sirzechs: He knows that but with sudden movement from the old satan faction and setting up meeting with other factions he been busy...we all have been busy from all the meetings happening.

Izou: long do I have to compete this task?

Serafall answers his question by saying

Serafall: forty-eight hours.

Izou: By the way Lady Leviathan?

Serafall: Yes?

Izou: When you gave the order to slaughter the Nekoshou...did you think that Amaterasu would allow you to do that?

Serafall just looks down and just tells herself that she can put the past behind her but she was cut off from her thoughts by Izou

Izou: If you even think about putting the past behind you...just remember that the past never dies and it will bide it's time to bite you in the ass if your not careful, but it seems you still have a lot to learn.

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