Chapter 6

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It had been nearly a week since Leah arrived in the pack and I hadn't heard much of anything from her. I wasn't sure if I should be concerned about that or not. I had seen her a few times, at meals and around the pack. She was usually with Penny or another female pack member, but the appreciative stares the unmated males gave her did not go unnoticed by me. It didn't seem any of them had caused her any problems though and I was grateful for that.

She had been through enough.

The only male she seemed to spend any time with was Jon. He assured me they were just friends and he only enjoyed spending time with her. I didn't sense any dishonesty from him, so I let it go.

She always gave me a wide smile and a cheerful wave when I saw her, so she seemed to be settling in well to pack life. I had decided to give her a few weeks before meeting with her again to decide on a long term plan.

Until my computer stopped working.

'Jon? Can you find Leah and bring her to my office? This computer is being stupid.' I link him as I tap furiously on my keyboard.

'Oh. We're pretending the computer is fucked up and not that you don't know how to use it? Ok sounds good.' He quips back and I sigh.

'Can you just get her here, please?' I ask exasperated and I can feel his amusement through our link.

'Yes, Alpha.'

A few minutes later there's a timid knock on the door and I yell for her to enter. She slips in quietly, looking at me curiously.

"Well come in. I won't bite." I tell her and she huffs out a laugh.

"Funny. Because you're a wolf." She says smiling and I can't help but chuckle. Then her smile drops and her face is filled with concern.

"What's wrong?" I ask her and she shuffles her feet worriedly.

"Well, Jon told me you wanted to see me. I feel a little like I was sent to the principals office." She says quietly, avoiding my gaze. I huff in response and stand from my chair making her eyes dart to me.

"I'm sorry. Jon should have told you, my computer isn't working. I only wanted you to look at it." I explain and she breathes out a sigh of relief. I cock an inquisitive brow at her before crossing my arms across my chest. Her eyes follow the movement and she bites her bottom lip. The sweet smell of her arousal hits my nose and I'm shocked, but choose to ignore it.

"Have you done something you thought you'd be in trouble for?" I ask her sternly and her eyes refocus on me.

"What? No, I just was um... nervous." She says and I chuckle as she rubs her thighs together.

I'm used to my alpha aura having an effect on she wolves, but I didn't expect a human to react so strongly to me. She's never done or said anything inappropriate, so I let it go.

"Will you look at my computer, please? It's being stupid." I tell her urging her towards my desk.

"Are you sure it's not user error?" She quips back cheekily and I grunt in response.

"No. I'm not sure." I say and that earns me a melodic giggle as she sits in my seat.

"Now, when I fire this up I won't find anything unbecoming of an alpha will I?" She asks and I furrow my brows in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I ask and she raises her eyebrows at me.

"I found so much porn on Jon's computer I'm still blushing." She says seriously and a hearty laugh escapes me until I have to wipe tears from my eyes. I look back at her and she is clearly unamused.

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