Chapter 12

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I wasn't really sure what I was feeling, but all of a sudden I had this intense urge to be close to Alex. He gave me an affectionate smile before nodding and walking back to my bed. I pulled the covers back for him and snuggled into his warmth, still a little chilly from being outside for too long.

"I love your wolf." I murmur sleepily, nuzzling my face into his chest. He chuckles a little and rubs his hand down my back. My body begins to relax as I finally feel warm again.

"He was quite fond of you too, little one." Alex says before pecking my forehead with a gentle kiss. I smile at the affection, my eyes too tired to open. "Go to sleep." Alex whispers. "I'll stay and keep the monsters away." I slip into sleep with a smile on my face.

The next time I wake, my body is shaking and I'm miserably cold. I feel my body slick with sweat, every joint in my body aching. I open my eyes against their protest and blink a few times. It's dark and my body is sore.

I look around me and my stomach drops at what I see.

I'm back in my cell.

No. No no no no no.

This can't be. Alex would never let this happen.

"Oh good. You're awake." I hear a deep voice and my eyes flick to the cell door.

Silas stands there, his yellow eyes shining in the dark, a cruel smirk flashing across what would otherwise be a handsome face.

"No!" I scream, my heart beating out of my chest. "No take me back! I want Alex! Please Silas just let me go!" I scream at him and he chuckles as he flicks the lock on my cell and enters slowly, eyeing his prey like the hunter he is.

"Say another man's name one more time. See what happens." He growls, his hands clenching into tight fists. I sob and surprise flickers on his face.

In the months of torture I never once cried. I rarely screamed after the first time, but he never saw me cry. The few tears I spilled on Alex's shoulder was all Silas ever got from me. But this feeling of dread. Of absolute horror. Of feeling like I was safe, like I was free only to be thrust back here. It's too much. Too much for any one person to deal with.

I sob and scream while Silas watches me curiously. A flicker of guilt even traipsing over his face before he pushes it down with a sneer.

"I knew you were too soft. You never could have ran this pack with me." He spits and I sob harder.

"Just let me go! Give me back to Alex! You don't want me and I don't want you!" I scream and he backhands me across the face, my head whipping at an awkward angle as my body continues to quake from the cold.

"Alex is dead." He whispers and I gasp, my stomach dropping as first disbelief then guilt consumes me.

"No. That's not possible." I challenge and he smiles again.

"I killed him with my bare hands. It's what he deserved. He dared to take what's mine." He seethes and I begin to sob again. My stomach churns at the thought of Alex's dead body, covered in blood. I've seen Silas kill before, I know Alex's death was painful and savage. I heave onto the concrete floor, emptying what little was in my stomach. Silas watches me with disgust before standing and leaving the cell.

"Pathetic. I should have let him have you." He says before locking the cell and leaving. I lay on the ground, shaking and dry heaving as my body fights to stay awake. My mind drifts out of consciousness and I welcome the blackness that consumes me.

The next time I wake it's morning. My eyes are dry and scratchy, my body hurts everywhere, my stomach is still nauseous and I'm shivering so bad my teeth are shaking. I'm so cold. Why am I so cold? I shouldn't be, Alex should be here.


My eyes spring open, only to come face to face with Silas' Beta Devin. I scream and push myself away from him as he chuckles menacingly. He's the cruelest of them all.

"Welcome home, bitch. If I had known you looked so good with some meat on those bones, I would have fed you more." he says reaching for my ass. I scream and push him away before trying to scramble away from him, but he grabs me and holds me down firmly, reaching for my clothes.

"No!" I scream, terror lacing through me. "You can't touch me like that! Silas will know. He'll feel it. Remember what happened to the last guy that tried? Silas ripped his heart from his chest." I spew at Devin and he scoffs.

"He'll reject you soon. Then you'll be free game." He says with a cruel smirk and my heart drops as dread fills me. Tears threaten my eyes while Devin watches with obvious amusement.

"Just kill me. Please just kill me." I beg him and he bellows out a laugh.

"Before I've had my fun? Nah. I'm sure you're worth the wait." He says with one last smile before getting up and leaving.

"Alex! Alex will come and kill you all. No one fucks with his pack members." Devin laughs and shakes his head.

"Didn't Silas tell you? Your precious Alpha Alex is dead. You sure are quite the little slut. What one alpha not enough for you?" He sneers as my tears spill over.

"No. Alex isn't dead!" I scream at him as I sob. He walks away, locking the door behind him with the sound of his laughter reverberating off the walls.

"Alex!" I scream, sorrow consumes me and I wrap what little clothing I have tighter around me, trying to stop my body from shaking.

"Alex I'm so sorry!" I scream to nobody in particular. I wrap my arms around me and sob, rocking myself back and forth as my heart breaks again. This hurts worse than when I thought Silas died. Then it was just a physical pain but this feels like my actual soul is ripping itself in two.

I imagine his blue eyes, his tousled hair, his warm smile, his beautiful wolf. I lay on the mat on the cold hard floor and cry until I pass out from exhaustion.

Sometime later I feel my body try to force myself awake. My body feels heavy and I can't move my limbs. My eyes flutter, but I can't open them. I decide I don't want to. I don't want to live in a world where Alex doesn't exist anymore. It's too painful to face this reality. My whole body is pulsing with pain, my joints sore and creaky, exhausted from my constant shivering. I'm so cold. I wonder if it's cold enough for me to die from it. I can only wish. I try to roll onto my side, but my body won't cooperate with me. I almost feel like I'm floating and I welcome the numb feeling traveling through my body.

I can't keep my mind from wandering to Alex. All I want is to be next to him. To feel the warmth he gives off, the safety he provides. The simple affection, the sense of belonging the feeling of home. That's what Alex is. He's my home.

"Alex." I groan. "I want to go home."

As I fade back into the dark I swear I can almost hear his voice, low and gentle in my ear.

"Come back to me, little one."

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