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I watch the sky darken, the moon starting to glow brighter as she takes her rightful place in the sky. I can feel something brewing in the air but maybe it's just because I know that the ceremony is nearly here. Dread pools in my stomach, the anxiety rolling within me until I feel like I'm shaking from the inside out.

It's probably hopeless, but I find myself thinking that maybe the Goddess will come for me just like she had for the wives of the first wolf.

"It's time, Luna," my heart drops to my stomach, a coldness spreading over my skin as the guard holds the door open for me.

My hand flies to the necklace Adelaide had given me, my fingers fiddling with the small pendant. At first, the idea of wearing something that the other Luna's had worn as they died made my skin crawl. But right now, I'm finding comfort in it.

As if this delicate silver chain connects us and I'm not doing this alone.

Head held high and heart-racing frantically, I walk out of the room for the first time in days. My guards sandwich me in, one in front and one behind in the manner in which I have come to expect.

I keep my gaze straight as we make our way down the stairs, not bothering to take in or remember any of the details of this place.

In my mind, I am at Larkspur and the less I look around, the easier it is to believe.

I'm just heading to the training grounds to meet with Jax and the others.

We walk at a normal pace, but it seems too quickly that we are facing the entrance of the meeting hall.

My eyes land on Atticus dressed in nice slacks with a white button-down shirt and a blood-red tie.  He looks so smug as he watches as approaches and the guards' bow at him but he doesn't look away from me.

"You look beautiful, Luna," his compliment makes my stomach roll and my skin crawl.

"You make me sick," I say looking at his elbow, which he was offered for me to take, in disgust. I don't want to be anywhere near him, why would he think I would willingly take his elbow? He can take his elbow and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

His smile widens like he heard my thoughts and he reaches out and grabs my hand, pulling me roughly towards him, lacing it through his arm for me. His grip is firm and he doesn't let go.

"Remember to smile, Luna," his voice is low, his eyes watching me like a hawk before he nods at the guards who disappear through the door, "and be thankful for the gift we're giving you,"

"I hope the Goddess puts a curse on this pack," it's a stupid thing to say, but dammit I don't want him to have the last word.

Atticus's expression darkens and I can almost see my murder playing behind his eyes but he doesn't respond. His grip tightens on my arm and roughly tugs me, moving  through the door. I nearly trip from the force but manage to stay upright, even though he's all but dragging me down the hall.

The murmur of voices echoes through the walls as we walk and as soon as we enter where the pack is waiting, it's louder than that first day I arrived. Cheers and howls ring out - applause so loud it feels like an earthquake rumbling around us.

Atticus smiles warmly, waving eloquently to his subjects like the true king he believes himself to be.

Adelaide stands off to the side, clapping politely in a blood-red satin gown, flowing down her body like a glove. When our eyes briefly meet, she bows her head before whispering something to Caspian.

His chest is bare, his toned abdomen shielded only by an unbuttoned white vest, and a pair of dark slacks. A nightmare dressed as a daydream, it's a terrible time for that Taylor Swift lyric to make sense. He nods at his mother, pressing a delicate kiss to her cheek before walking towards me.

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