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I woke this morning feeling like my head was throbbing. I tried to roll over, to ignore the pain, hoping that by doing so, it would go away. Sleep always helps when I don't feel well, but sadly, it has let me down today.

I'm gonna need an Advil or something for this one. I dress quickly, throwing on some jeans and a dark blue shirt before walking out of my room. I force a smile when people greet me, feeling even worse when they remember my name but I can't remember theirs. The world would be such an easier place if everyone wore name tags all the time.

"Good morning, Mia," Harper chirps, her head lifting off of Jax's head to greet me, "Would you like to exercise this morning instead of later?" She looks so hopeful with a soft smile on her face that I almost feel bad for saying no.


"I actually woke up with a really bad headache," Her face drops and I feel like I kicked a puppy, "You don't happen to have any Advil do you?"

"Heads up," I turn just in time to see Austin tossing me a small blue and white bottle from a cupboard by the sink.

I didn't even see him leaning against the counter when I walked in

"Thanks," I mumble, looking down at the container in my hands.

And I certainly don't know why I can feel a blush moving up to my cheeks.

"Excuse me, Alpha," a young man with ink-black hair comes into the room with a pretty brunette on his arm. She smiles at him before resting her head on his shoulder.

They're a cute couple, I notice, a little envious of how they cling to each other if I'm being honest. It's easy to see that the couple is madly in love, the look of adoration on each of their faces every time they look at each other.

"Katie and I have decided to go through with the Aeternus ceremony," he looks down lovingly at the girl pressing a soft kiss to her head.

"That's great," Jax stands quickly, moving towards the couple to shake hands. Harper is next, pulling the girl into her arms for a strong hug as the men talk.

"What is that?" I ask Emily who moves to stand next to me looking like she got a late start this morning.

Her short hair is sticking out in different directions and her pajama pants are rolled around her waist so that the legs aren't as long.

"Wolves mate for life," She yawns, looking completely uninterested as she makes her way to the Keurig Coffee machine on the counter. 

"So it's like marriage?" I walk over to Emily, leaning against the counter as she fixes her coffee.

She shakes her head, looking for a spoon before coming back to me,

"In the terms of monogamy yes,"  She gestures to the coffee, silently asking if I want some but I shake my head no.

"Alright," she moves into the big pantry, coming out with a bottle of water and some snacks, "let's continue the history lesson in my room today," She yawns again, handing me the water and grabbing her coffee before walking away.

"So where did we leave off yesterday?" She asks, closing the door behind me and making her way to the bed.

I decide to take the blue butterfly chair in the corner, watching in fascination as she steps on her bed, walking in a circle before plopping down and leaning against the headboard.

"The Moon Goddess had given huma-" a knock on the door interrupts me as Harper pokes her head in.

"Don't start without me," she says, making her way to the bed and making Emily scoot over.

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