Chapter- 4

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If you haven't prayed than please pray this book can wait but your Salah can't

Happy reading...

None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself. -- Prophet Muhammad ( sallallahu alaihi wasallam / peace be upon him )

Author p.o.v

" How can you do this to your own daughter Zubair " Amreen fume at her husband decision .

" Zainab is our daughter not a thing that you give that monster in exchange of money " she seethed clenching her fist tightly .

The moment Zubair inform Khalid demand in front of her that he wants to marry Zainab in exchange of forgiving their debt all hell break loose for her .

She knows Khalid Mirza infact everyone knows about that cruel man who has no mercy in his heart , He is a man who has stone instead of heart inside his chest . She cannot let her own daughter marry that monster .

" Amreen try to understand " he rub his face in frustration " we have no choice "

Amreen glare at her husband who has tear in his eyes , her anger melt down a little watching Zubair staring at her helplessly .

" Zainab life will be destroyed Zubair " she breakdown resting her head on his chest .

Blinking tears he wrap his hand around his wife petty frame feeling helpless just like a lame begger .

" He is coming tomorrow to see Zainab be ready " he uttered those word with difficulty .

No father in this world want to marry his daughter to a criminal , a man who has no deen , no imaan( faith ) in him .

Amira Sultan p.o.v

Shaking water from my hand , I placed the last plate on the counter .

" Ahh... Finally done " I smile in satisfaction .

" Now I can go and complete my school work " I muttered checking the kitchen one last time after cleaning it properly .

I was about to go in my room when I heard someone crying .

I halt in my step , frowning to myself , my leg took me to my step mother room unconciously .

Biting my lip , I peep in the room to see Ammi raising her hand making dua and crying a lot . My forehead creased deeper . She was crying like a baby in Salah , I have never seen her crying this badly before .

Retreating back I stick my back to the wall " what could have so bad that she was crying so badly " I whispered worried.

" O Allah s.w.t whatever bothering ammi so badly please make everything alright in her life " I prayed silently .

You must be thinking why I am praying for a women who gave me nothing but hate , No it's not because I am a good person , I am just trying to be since I want to please Allah almighty and follow the teaching of Our beloved Prophet (Peace be upon him) who said:
"Whoever suffers an injury and forgives (the person responsible), Allah will raise his status to a higher degree and remove one of his sins."

It was hard at first , the anger and hate I had toward that women was unbearable it gave me nothing but insufferable pain in my heart which didn't let me live in peace in once , it use to suffocate my heart . I realised when we hate someone we doesn't punish that person , we punish ourselves . You have to understand that someone has made the choice for you when they say hate you . The choice is yours and the only way you can make the world a better place is by doing the opposite of hating. It is by loving. It was not easy to change my mind and the bitterness in my heart but with the help of Allah( Subḥānahu wa-taʿālā) , the weight of hatred on my chest was lifted , yes I do sometimes dislike her but I try my best to let go things so that I can live in peace , I realised inner peace is more important than hating someone .

I was making breakfast in the morning , when my eyes fell on Zainab who look more happy than usual while Ammi and abbu look depressed like someone trying to snatch something very precious from them .

Serving food carefully in front of them finally I encourage myself to ask " Abbu is everything alright " I place my hand on his for assurance .

" Of course everything is alright , more than alright " Zainab replied arrogant , my lip itched to ask her shut up but I let go as always .

" Abbu , Ammi is everything alright , can I help you guys something " I spoke softly trying to know their problem .

Abbu finally look my way , my heart drop their was sadness , hopelessness in his eyes which is shining with tears , I encourage him to say through my eyes by press his hand softly but before he could open his mouth , ammi spoke beside him " it's none of your business , do your own work " her tone was harsh like always but I was surprised she used it infront of Abbu .

" Amreen " my father tone rose in anger .

" Don't Zubair , not today " she shut him up .

Her furious eyes snap at my direction " YOU ! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY SIGHT NOW " I flinch at her tone slightly .

Glancing my father with teary eyes who didn't said any word , silently I stood up gulping down pain walking back inside .

" Ammi what's wrong with you , why do you always treat her so harsly " I can hear Samia furious voice .

" Shut up and eat your food " I flinch at the voice of breaking a glass .

" What happened to her " I was confused at her behaviour .

After the little drama in the living room , my father inform me that some guest are coming to see Zainab in the evening .

She is getting married ??? Is this the reason Ammi and Abbu is so worried

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