Chapter 10

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There is reward for kindness to every living thing -- prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam ( peace be upon him)

If you haven't prayed your Salah please pray this book can wait but your Salah can't.

Happy reading ...

Amira Sultan p.o.v

1 week later ..

I was woken up by the sound of Azaan , the call to prayer , it echoed everywhere , closing my eyes. I listened to the azaan while answering as well . The peace and calmness that splurged was soothing my heart . No matter how much shaytan ( devil ) whispers negative thoughts in my mind , it erases only by the thought that Allah s.w.t is still by my side and that is enough for me .

After I finish my salah , wiping tears I look ahead , the sunlight is slowly covering the black sky .

Sighing I got up folding my mat , I kept it in my night stand .

Now since it's been a week, I am living in this room , to tell the truth it's twice as big as my own room . The room consists of a queen size bed which I have never imagined sleeping on . There was a beautiful small chandelier around the four corners of the ceiling which light helped me sleep peacefully at night .

There was also a night stand beside the bed , with a moon shaped table lamp on it . A 3 door wardrobe which is completely empty right now . There was a dressing table on the left hand side as well . Overall I have never imagined being in a room like this … it's quite luxurious .

About those 4 kids , I was terrified thinking Khalid is a married man but I got to know , they are his deceased sister's kids .

Rabiya Aunty told me there story , my heart ache thinking about those poor kids , I know how heart-wrenching it is , living without a mother is difficult , it use to suffocate me thinking that no one in this world love me truly , I use to think how unlucky I am but Allumdulliah ( all praise belong to Allah ) now that I know Allah s.w.t love me more that 70 mother's and each day my heart recognise the love of my lord .

Back to the topic , I don't know why those kids hate me . I tried to talk to them but everytime I came near them , the oldest kid yelled at me like I just snatched the last slice of his pizza .

I remember his words that day. She is just like her . I don't know what he meant by that .

After I showered and dressed in Black salwar suit , I didn't wear my abaya since no non - mahram lives here and I am quite relaxed but I did wear my hijab because I am still not comfortable around Khalid who doesn't even glance my way . Not that I care .



Opening the door I was greeted by Ayesha Aunty , she took care of the kid , while Rabiya aunty was head of all staff . I thought she was Khalid 's mother or relative but I found out she works here for a long time .

" Assalamualaikum " I greeted her with a smile.

" Walekum Assalam sweety , hope you slept well " she patted my cheeks , she is in her late 40s .

She adores me .

She said I remind her daughter .

" Rabiya said breakfast is ready , come soon " with which she left .

I nodded ….. following her .

I tried to look at Khalid's room door , which I absolutely forgot . I don't know which room he stays in because I stay in my room most of the time .

Hence I cascaded down the spiral staircase that led me to a humongous hall , which was very beautiful and full of things .

Even though I am living here for a week now I am still not familiar with the room and directions of the kitchen and dining table .

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