Part 10

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I miss you baby <3

Have fun in the Bahamas

Lauren smiled down at her phone and sent a bunch of heart emojis back.

"What are you so happy about?" Alexa tried to look over her shoulder at her phone, but Lauren quickly hid it behind her back.

"Just a meme," Lauren smiled, changing the subject, "Are you excited?"

"Super excited!" Alexa singsonged, "When was the last time we were on a cruise? It's been a few years right?"

Lauren laughed, "Yeah, I think the last time was freshman year."

"We're not babies anymore, Laur! We're gonna have fun on this cruise!" Alexa stuck her tongue out at Lauren playfully and raised her eyebrows before walking over to talk to Tracy. Lauren isn't too sure what Alexa meant by fun. In the past, that meant hooking up with guys, but Alexa had a boyfriend now so maybe things have changed.

Turns out, things have not changed. That night Lauren and her friends were in some random guy's cabin. Lauren was sitting awkwardly in the corner while her friends were flirting with older guys.

Alexa was all over a guy named Caleb. He was tall and very muscular. Alexa was practically drooling. Eventually, she got up to get a drink from the cooler, which was right next to Lauren.

Lauren tapped Alexa's shoulder to get her attention, "Hey, what happened to you and Marcello?"

"What? Nothing. Why?" Alexa was so drunk she could barely stand up straight.

"What are you doing with that guy then?" Lauren nodded towards Caleb.

"Nothing, we're just talking," Alexa hiccupped, "Mind your own business. Just because you're not getting any doesn't mean you have to be so uptight," Alexa scoffed before walking back over to sit on Caleb's lap, another drink in her hand.

Lauren hated how her friends acted when they were drunk. They always became rude and unnecessarily boy-crazy. Lauren just wanted to go home.

From the corner of her eye, Lauren could see Lucy passed out on the floor. It was officially time to go back to their cabin. Lauren got Emma, who was the most sober out of everyone else and had her assist her by bringing Lucy back to their cabin. They then went back to get Alexa, Bethany, and Tracy.

They all had adjoining rooms. Lucy and Tracy were in one cabin and Bethany, Emma, Alexa, and Lauren were in the adjacent one. Once Lauren made sure Lucy and Tracy were in bed, she got ready for bed herself but she seemed to be the only one who wanted to sleep.

"What's up with you and that Camila girl?" Bethany was lying across the bed, looking at Lauren, "I heard our parents talking about it. Your mom does not like her." Bethany giggled.

"Your mom told my mom that you had her in your house," Emma sounded shocked, "Why would you do that? Isn't she Mexican or something?"

"Cuban," Lauren corrected.

Alexa put her hand on Lauren's shoulder, "You really should've been more careful. You don't know what she could've done because I heard she's also a homosexual."

Bethany jumped up, "I heard that too! What if she tried to make a move on you?"

"You can't trust people like that, Lauren. That's why Trump's trying to get them out of here!" Emma said.

"Guys, that's not true. Camila is really nice," Lauren tried to protest, "And I don't believe that stuff that Trump said."

"I mean, you can be friends with her if you want," Alexa added, "but you should know that it's people like her that destroy the values of our country."

"What values?" Lauren snapped, "Racism? Homophobia?"

"Calm down," Bethany said under her breath, "It's not that deep."

"Don't be so sensitive Lauren," Emma laughed, "My god."

"I think we should go to bed," Alexa interjected, "I don't think anybody's thinking clearly right now. We all had too much to drink."

Lauren rolled her eyes and angrily got into bed. She really wanted to go home.


I'm so sorry this is a converted story and Laurens's character doesn't have a Cuban background. I hate that we have taken it away but again it's just a story and we love our two Cuban queens. Also, any homophobic and racist comments are from the character and do not reflect Alexa and Lucy in real life. 

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