Part 14

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Lauren texted Alexa to meet her at their spot. Their 'spot' was under a hidden stairway in the theatre. As freshmen, they would go there during lunch when they didn't feel like being around the girls at their table. That felt like ages ago.

Lauren sent the text almost ten minutes ago. Maybe Alexa wasn't not coming. But she was still going to wait a bit longer. This was important.

Eventually, Alexa showed up. Lauren was relieved. Alexa still cares.

"What's this about?" Alexa's voice was soft, hopeful.

"I just want to ask you one question," Lauren closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "Do you think you'll ever be able to accept that I'm gay, or is our friendship officially over?"

Alexa's face dropped and her brows furrowed, "What? This is what you wanted to ask?"

"I need closure."

"Closure? No . . . this isn't the end of us, Ams," Alexa rubbed her forehead, "I don't know."

"You don't know what?"

"To answer your question: I don't know."

Lauren sighed, "It's a yes or no question. Do you think you'll ever be able to accept that I'm gay?" She just needed an answer. One answer and Lauren can finally move on.

"Laur, you know I go to church - you know I believe in God," Alexa looked at her desperately, "You know I cannot accept this."

"Then why did you tell me that you didn't know?"

"Because we're still friends! Since birth! I'm not gonna let you throw that away over some girl!"

"She's my girlfriend! And you're the one who's throwing this away!"

Alexa raised her eyebrows, "You're dating her?"

"Yeah, for a few months actually," Lauren calmed down, "That picture was actually taken after I told Camila that I loved her for the first time."

"What?" Alexa's shoulders dropped, "It's that serious."

"Yeah, it is," Lauren could feel tears in her eyes, "I don't want to lose you over this."

Alexa had tears in her eyes too, "Me either," She wiped her eye, "But I don't know how to act around gay people - I've never - "

"Treat me how you've always treated me, Alexa," Lauren smiled, "Nothing has to change. I don't want anything to change."

"My parents won't like it if we remain friends."

"You're eighteen, Alexa."

Alexa smiled, "I might say the wrong thing sometimes, but I do want to be your friend. We're supposed to be best friends forever."

A tear slipped from Lauren's eyes, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too."

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