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Klara's pov

I don't why but everyone today are acting strange .
I just came back from school and those three stupid brothers of mine too didn't even went to their university. And yes Azrael and i have become friends and i can admit i have tiny miny liking towards him.


"Sophia i am saying all of our classmates are dumb" i sighed

"Tell me something I don't know" sophia too sighed

Today in our history class a particular nerdy said that we have missed today's test and believe me teacher didn't remember but that special specimen had to tell the teacher. I have started school recently only but i have started hating it so much.

"Hello ladies" no one other then hot piece of Azrael has to say that.

"Hello to you too Azrael" i smiled

"Sophia come with me" grayson yelled from our table. Yup i am still here sitting with my big bros.
Sophia and gray have finally started dating and i knew it!
I played the role of cupid and boom they both finally confessed and Zach knew too that his sister liked gray badly.
And unfortunately Azrael is being too nice to me.
He nowadays greets me, give me his special food and sometimes escort me to the classes. Some people have started spreading rumours that 'i and Azrael have been dating'.

"Klara you have got to be careful okay? Some danger is going around" Azrael caressed my face . I know my face is going to be fully red.

"What's going on ? Dad and all my brothers are stressed from this Russian or Irish mafia"

"You know about this?" Azrael asked to which I nodded.

"Its okay nothing will happen to you, i will protect you." And here my heart melted with his words. He then kissed my forehead and left.
My teenage hormones are going to kill me i swear.

Flashback over>>

"Mrs Klara please come downstairs your mother is asking for you immediately" one of the maid came and said.
What now happened mother?

"Yes mom" i said as I reached living room.

"Oh klara come on we have to go to your father's office now" my mom said panicking

"Mom is everything okay? Why are you panicking?" I asked worriedly

"I too don't know you dad just sent five guards and told me to come immediately to office" mom explained

"It must be serious lets go" mom and i quickly left for dad's office.

As soon as we reached there so many guards were there, and oh my god there were so many different types of guards, some were Italians, Americans and there were other countries guards too.
Yup it's something serious.

"Thank god you are here boss is waiting for you" mike, right hand man of lorenzo said.

"Hi mike , long time no see" i greeted him, he is like another brother to me.

"Oh hiii ! My bumblebee when are we having our next nail art session" His sarcasm is at next level.

"Its no time for greeting come on lets go" Mike said and smacked my head

"Oww! What was that for" i gave him my coldest glare, but people find it cute. I wish I could be like my stone cold brother Lorenzo.

"Klara listen to me carefully okay? There is Russian mafia leader inside and we don't know what does he want from you. Stay close to dad or any of us and please don't do anything stupid. The Kings are here too okay? Nothing will happen to you" First Azrael now Mario who the hell is this Russian leader why is he creating such chaos?

Here i go.
As i soon as reached the conference room, guards were posted. My family was sitting at left hand side of the table, the Kings at head of table. Only Azrael, his father and brother were there. Then on the right hand side was a tattooed guy, there was pin drop silence. No one was saying anything everyone were doing there own work.

"I am here dad" i yelled . Mom slapped her forehead. I am always yelling i know but what can i do? I was kidnapped for such a long period of time and now when i have finally found my real family, I cannot express my love to them.

The tattooed guy turned around, and holy bonkers of shirtballs.

"Mr Ivannnn" i shouted and went to hug him.

"Oh my god is that you k bear?" Mr ivan asked

"Of course its me! You forgot me! You never came for me" i said

A loud bang was heard and dad was fuming with anger.
Oh yeah! I didn't told them that the guy who saved me from that attack was Mr Ivan.

"Klara how the fck you know him? And you Ivan get away from her" my very angry looking dad said.

"Dad calm down" i tried to calm my dad but my brothers beat me .
"How the fck are we supposed to be calm"
"How do you know him"
"Get away from her"
All my brothers are bunch of monkeys except mario, anthony and Lorenzo who are just observing .

"Will you let me finish" i shouted.

"Remember i told you that attack at me during my stay at london? Mr Ivan was the one who saved me from that attack" i smiled looking towards Mr Ivan. My mother who was drinking water 'accidentally' dropped it. My family was looking at me like i was saying gibberish. The Kings too were looking amused.

"I had a hunch when i came to know that Italian-Spanish Mafia Princess has returned and why the hell she too has a same name as Klara which i met. Then i compared the photos and boom here i was asking for a meet with her" Mr Ivan explained

"All the threats and accusations" Azrael asked looking quite pissed.

"Oh yeah were you just gonna let me meet her" Mr Ivan mocked
He said something in russian which I didn't understood

"Why the hell you never came" i shouted . Mr Ivan placed a hand on his heart.

"Stop shouting and your family and i were at war how the fck i could have let them know you are like my sister"

"I can't believe because of us both Mafias klara had to suffer. Only if we were not at war and Mr Ivan took klara we could have saved klara" Lorenzo said quite disappointed

"It's past lolo . Now we all are happy" i smiled and everyone nodded.

Only if she knew that happiness doesn't last longer.

Ivan Sokolov

Don of Russian mafia. He is 25 years old. He is ruthless and very cold.

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