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The public area seemed to close in on her the more she looked at the man in front of her. He looked so different, almost unrecognizable. But Y/n knew. That was the man that ruined her life.

"Oh I'm sorry... ah you must've mistaken me for someone else!" He said, backing up a bit. She still didn't speak. How didn't he recognize the person he hurt so bad? Was he lying?

"Honey come on the kids are waiting- oh who's this?" Some lady asked, walking up to the two. Y/n looked at the woman. Was that his wife? And if so did that mean he had kids like she said?

"Oh yes this lady just accidentally ran into me, no worries. Her name is... I'm sorry I don't think I got your name?" He turned to Y/n, expecting an answer.

"My name is uh, Y/n. Y/n L/n." The mother and father widened their eyes at the name. Probably for different reasons.

"Oh I know you! My kids love to listen to your music. Let me call them over they would love to meet you!" The mother walked over to their car, talking to the children inside. Y/n's body was still filled with shock.

"Sorry about her, she just gets easily excited about meeting new people." He said nervously. All the girl could do was nod.

"Holy sh- crap you're Y/n!" A kid said, looking at Y/n. She did her best and plastered a smile on her face, waving at the kids. She always had so much practice with it, yet it felt so different in the moment.

"Hey! You guys want to take a picture?" They nodded feverishly and stood next to her. Y/n tried not to let the uncomfortable feeling in her show, but with the mom taking forever to take a picture it was getting hard to.

"Hey Y/n come on we're- oh who are these people?" Clockwork asked. Y/n felt relief wash over her as clockwork came to the rescue.

"Just uh, some fans. I have to get going now, it was nice to meet you guys!" Y/n broke away and walked with clockwork, her breathing heavy.


"Don't worry about it." Y/n opened the car seat, going to sit. Masky was still in the front, waiting to get 'home'.

But as Y/n sat down, she couldn't bring herself to drive in fear that she would crash.

"Hey you know how to drive right?" Y/n asked, looking at Masky. He quirked a brow but nodded.

"Switch with me." She said and got out of the car to take the passenger seat. He smiled as he got to drive an expensive car. Such a dad- guy thing to do.

The whole drive back Y/n remained silent. Though it didn't matter much since Toby had the aux cord, he probably had one of the best music tastes.

'Was that actually him?'

He looked so much more different, like the dad that Y/n wanted him to be. But that was obviously him. In her gut, she knew.

"We're here idiots." Masky said, unbuckling his seat belt. Toby ran out the car, forgetting to grab some of the clothes. Clockwork sighed and grabbed a couple of bags, then walked out and into the house.

"You good?" Masky asked, seeing as Y/n still hadn't moved a muscle. She turned her head to him before shaking her head no, slowly getting out of the car. He only shrugged and handed her the keys.

Y/n entered her house and didn't bother to look at anyone before walking up the stairs and going into her room. Brian wasn't there anymore, which was convenient, because right now all she wanted was to be alone.

She grabbed her guitar and sat on the bed, thinking that her go to way to destress would be fine. But she couldn't think of anything to play. Her mind was at a blank slate.

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