C H A P T E R 4

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She played with the dolls in the hall, waiting for her mom to come out.

"Grr...I have a knife!" She feigned a deep voice for the teddy bear.

"*Gasp* Oh no, take my money! Please don't kill me." She said in a higher pitched voice for the rabbit stuffed toy.

"Too late." The girl said for the bear. She motioned the bear going to stab the bunny.

"Ah!" She yelled for the bunny.

"Die! Die! Die!" The bear said. the young girl made the bunny lay flat on the floor to show it was dead. She laughed at her stupid antics and hugged the bear.

"Y/n sweetie. Come on we're going home!" Her mother said in a sweet tone. Y/n nodded and got up, making sure to take her teddies.


"Yes sweetie?"

"What happened to gramps?" She asked. The mother stayed silent and let out a sigh. How could she tell the truth to her?

"He is just a bit sick. He'll be okay soon." Her mother reassured. Y/n smiled and skipped her way to the exiting door. The mother gave a small frown.

"Oh dad, why would you try something like that." She whispered to herself. The woman was going to make sure to take care of all his medication, and to keep it out of site from him.

"I can't have you dying on me. What would I tell sweet Y/n?"


Hoodie was pretty sure this was the house. It definitely looked like the house of an old couple. He walked silently out of the forest-like area and crouched down. It was a small town filled with older people. The murder will be hard to pull off without suspicion.

"Yes Carl, I'm going on my afternoon stroll! I'll be fine!" An old woman yelled coming out the house. He smirked behind his mask and waited for her to completely leave, then entered through the window.

"It smells like old people too." he muttered in disgust. He spotted the old man coming downstairs, and hid somewhere in the hall. He watched as the guy took some food out and ate it. Hoodie took this as an opportunity to get upstairs.

Once succeeding, he looked through. Two rooms and a single bathroom. He went into one room and opened a drawer. A picture of Y/n, this time much younger, approximately seven, and on her grandpa's shoulder. He laughed and set the picture down when hearing footsteps. He managed to hide near where the stairs were, and when the old man finally reached the top, Hoodie hit his head with a metal pipe. He watched as the man fell down the stairs, once reaching the bottom a huge pool of blood.

There was a slim chance he could still be alive, and Hoodie being the careful person he is, went to check if he was. Smiling when he realized that he was, he cleaned his pipe and left quickly, smiling even harder and crazier when he heard a distant scream he knew belonged to the old woman.

"Surprise." He whispered to himself, walking away from the now victimized house.

"I should get off for today. I did a lot today." She said aloud to no one. She got off the bed and stretched after turning her laptop off. She heard two knocks on the door.

"Come in!"

"Y/n, we need to talk." Her mom said. Y/n noticed that she was crying a bit and had been sniffling a lot.

"Mom? When did you come? Why are you crying?" She asked. The mom only left to downstairs and Y/n felt a pang in her heart. She knew that she was about to receive bad news.

But nonetheless she did go downstairs and was met with both her mom and dad.

"Y/n sweetie please sit down." She hesitantly sat down. Her dad had a sad and angry look on his face.

"Mom? What happened? Dad?" The girl asked.

"Y/n sweetie...I'm so sorry." Her father said.

"What's going on?"

"You're grandfather, he was home alone and fell down the stairs." The older woman said. Y/n's eyes widened.

"Well why are we here? We have to see him in the hospital?!" She exclaimed. The mother let out a loud sob.

"The cops came when grandma called. He was already dead. Y/n, I'm sorry..." Her father said glumly, wiping a tear from his face. Y/n couldn't move nor talk. She felt the hot tears stream down her face.

"So he is...g-gone?" Her voice cracked. The dad nodded and Y/n ran to her room and shut the door, locking it.

"This has to be some kind of fucking joke. He can't be gone." She cried silently, her head buried into her knees. That night she made sure to keep her windows closed and locked.


"Hey Masky!" Toby poked. Masky ignored him. Toby pouted.

"Hey! I have something to ask you!"

"Is it dumb?" Masky asked.

"My q-questions are never dumb!" He grumbled. The taller man only scoffed and kept walking.

"Fine yes it's n-not dumb..." He mumbled, but it was enough for Masky to hear.

"What?" He sighed.

"D-don't you think Hoodie i-is acting weird lately?" He asked. Masky stopped in his footsteps.

"You know what Rogers, you may actually be right this time." He patted his shoulder.

"Stop f-fucking calling me t-that!" Toby spat back. Masky chuckled an began walking again.

"For a week or so he's been going out a lot more than usual. Nightmare probably knows about it, she is usually the first to know about people's secrets." Masky finished.

"You're only s-saying that because sh-she is you're girlfriend." Toby teased. Masky gave him a death glare and contemplated on choking Toby, but left the statement be and walked silently back to the mansion with Toby not too far behind him.

"Oh wow, Y/n's g-grandpa died." Toby said.

"Y/n L/n, as in that famous singer?" Masky questioned. The shorter boy smirked and widened his eyes.

"Wow. d-didn't think you w-would know her." Toby laughed. Masky sighed.

"Shut the fuck up. I'm going to have to go back to Nightmare ranting about that anyways." He grumbled. They arrived to the mansion and opened the doors.

"I'll go tell the boss about what happened." Masky said. Before Toby could say anything, he ascended the stairs quickly.

What the fuck was Brian doing these days anyways? He was a genuine quite person at all times, but you'd occasionally see him time to time. Cleaning a knife, writing, or looking through his camera for footage.

Masky knocked on the door and waited to be called in.

But what could be doing though? Masky knew Brian wasn't someone to fall in love with a victim. That was something BEN or Jeff would do. (But then again, didn't he did do the exact same thing?)

"Come in." A booming voice said. Masky pushed the right door open and noticed that the other door was being opened the opposite way. Hoodie exited through.

The pair passed each other and gave a small glance to the other. A weird aura surrounded the both of them. Masky decided then and there that he wouldn't pry into whatever his co worker was up to.

. . .

March 9 2024 update: had to change some of the dialogue cus you guys are WEIRDOS.



PRETTY VOICE | HOODIEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن