Chapter 7

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Warning: May contain violence (like physical assault) and mention of drugs.


36 days has past, the university was filled with clouds pouring sadness above some of the students and teachers as well. The girl who was killed at the party was a sorority sister there, the members made a small funeral at their house while Tyler's funeral was taken place at the cemetery. His family were there too, wearing black suit and ties and dresses, crying while wiping their tears away with tissues as the coffin containing Tyler's deceased body being descended into the ground and ready to be buried.

You, Sonia, and Lucas are shown in his car watching Tyler's funeral, it was depressing in their point of view seeing your ex-boyfriend's being buried while his parents sob over their son's casket. But it would be bad idea going there because the family will give them nasty looks or threatening them before calling the police on them. And thank goodness they left Thrax at the apartment being babysitter by Jerry and Mitchell. Lucas put them in charge on watching the virus so he won't wreck any havoc (or break anything) before they left. The reverend made a speech about some positive facts about Tyler being a good child to Charlie and Maria, the parents hug and cry each other watching the casket completely buried and variety of flowers being planted on the dirt.

*time skip by Thrax carrying Y/n over his shoulder*

Thrax is sitting on the couch reading a magazine he found on the coffee table, the door open revealing Y/n, Lucas, and Sonia coming back from the funeral.

Thrax: "Hey babies, how was the funeral?"

Lucas: "Terrible, the family spotted us in the driveway and the dad threatened us to leave his son's funeral."

Thrax: "What a bastard." He said.

Lucas: "Yeah, but we didn't like his son anyway. He cheated on Y/n in the first place."

Y/n: "Anyway, I'm going to make dinner. What would you guys want?"

Sonia: "I guess pasta, I'm in a mood."

Thrax: "I would like to taste your sweet and delicious blood Y/n~."

Y/n: "Not a chance pervert." You demanded, blushing pink.

Lucas: "If you excuse me, I'll be outside in the balcony getting some fresh air." He stated, opening the sliding door to the balcony.

*the next day*

*Y/N's POV*

The university became quiet and dull since Tyler and the sorority sister name Christine's death, I tried ignoring the stares from the students and teachers looking at me like I caused their accident, but I don't give a damn if I should feel guilty about it or say something that son of a bitch Tyler fornicating with a tart behind my back. Sonia and Lucas had the same thought as well when a few students looked at them. Lucas defended Sonia and I from a group of sorority sisters who accused us for murdering one of their members, Lucas shouted at the bimbos, insulting them with some offensive words towards the worst. However it gotten worst when a group of jocks heard what happened to their girlfriends so they surrounded the brown-haired boy and start beating him up.

Sonia and Jerry found him laying on the ground bruised, bleeding a bit, and beaten, I couldn't believed what I heard. Oh god, he could of died. My friends and I gently carry the bruised Lucas back to the apartment. Thrax noticed his condition when we carried him inside the living room and lay him on the couch.

Thrax: "What the hell happened to him?"

Sonia: "He got beaten up by a group of jocks. The coach saw what was going on and send those brutes to the Dean's office." She said, gently putting a ice pack on Lucas' bruised eye.

Lucas: "They gathered around me when I was walking in the halls and start assaulting me." He groaned, feeling the bruises hurt more when he is moving.

Thrax growl as his clawed fingers curled tightly in a form of anger, Sonia and I noticed it as his index finger lit orange.

*Thrax's POV*

How dare those humans hurt my baby, I dealt with Y/n's ex-boyfriend and the blonde chick but this. They have gone too far, they should pay. No one hurts my babies and I will make them pay.

Thrax: "Poor baby, he needs some rest. How about you baby? Are you ok?" I said a bit concerned as I lift her chin up to face me.

Y/n: "I-I'm fine. I tried pushing them away but one of the jocks shoved me away, hitting my head on the bulletin board." She said, trying not to cry as she can feel the spot that hit her.

I see something shiny forming in her eyes as salty liquids flows down her face like raindrops. I couldn't stand seeing the pain in her eyes, it hurts me a lot. Maybe I'll go out tonight, find their location, and kill those punks for harassing and hurting my babies.

Y/n: "Thrax are you ok?" She questioned in a sad tone.

Thrax: "I'm fine baby, just thinking about something." I lied so she and her friends won't notice my thoughts.

*Author's POV*

Jerry and Mitchell went outside to the balcony to release their stress by smoking cancer sticks. They sat on the chairs next to each other and watch the sun setting. They know it's bad for them but the guys need to clear their minds from this drama. Thrax can sense their stress mixed with anger that happened to their friend.

Sonia: "We gotta go, I need to get some rest for tomorrow. Y/n, you watch over Lucas tonight. Jerry! Mitchell! We're going." She said, Jerry and Mitchell put out their cigarettes and leave the apartment room with Sonia.

Thrax: "Don't worry baby, I'll watch over your precious friend while you take a shower." He said, softly giving her a kiss on the forehead. The kiss didn't feel rough but felt.....soft. Y/n's body shudder a bit from the touch he gave to her in which relax her muscles as her cheeks form into pink blushes.

Y/n: "Thank you Thrax....for everything." You said as your arms wrapped around his waist and face planting on his woolen-covered chest. His yellow eyes widen, this is the first time Y/n giving him a hug causing him to blush a bit. He never received after his birth, so he smiled and wrapped his arms around her torso pulling her close to him.

Thrax: "I'm here baby, you're safe with me." He said, pressing his face in her (hair length) hair. If he has a nose, he could use it to smell the lovely fragrance you used to wash your hair.

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