About the reader and the group

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You are a 3rd year college student in California, your chemistry group name Sonia, Lucas, Mitchell, and Jerry are in the same science department as you are, so you and your group created a real virus as a experiment/test subject. However, the virus you guys created is basically eyeing on you like he is into you.

Test Subject: Thrax

Height: probably 6'6

Weight: 165.7

Species: Virus

Born: March 19! 20xx

Eye color: Yellow

Skin color: Maybe a mixture of red and pink together

Hair color: Purple

Notes you and your group wrote: Subject is acting more human like, he walks and talks normally, body gesture looks similar, claws are long like scissors. It can produce heat sensation in one of his index fingers and can cut through anything with a single touch, and will combust into bubbly flames. Beware! Cannot stand medical alcohol, burn his skin like acid and leaving scars on the red/pink-ish flesh. Doesn't eat human food but enjoys blood from humans or animals and also sugar.

(good luck on the story!)

Contagious (Thrax x Human!reader)Where stories live. Discover now