Chapter 17

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"Ladies, my Darlings, time for us to get ready for this evening." Heidi excitedly chirped as she placed five different dresses on the bed.

"And guess who will be doing our make-up tonight?" Flora excitedly asked.

The door opened to reveal none other than, Jacqueline. The spa owner from my first trip here in Estaria.

"The one and only..." She paused to place her hands on her hips, " Jacqueline Moon." She grinned before throwing a wink our way," At your service."

"Jacqueline, still one for a dramatic entrance, I see." Heidi raised an amused eyebrow as she placed her hands on her hips.

Jacqueline instantly smirked and winked in agreement," Always. As the energetic woman she is, her eyes darted over to us before stopping at Zarya's with glee. In less than a second, she was in front of Zarya, abusing Zarya's poor cheeks as she cooed at her, before moving to Aurora to do the same thing giving me time to look over her outfit and she was as beautiful as last time. Her brunette and gold locks were tied in a low pony tail that teased her waist except for her short bangs that she had pulled up to the top of her head with a black pin. She complimented her hair with a black blouse, blood red, knee-length pencil skirt and black, leather stilettos. Her ears were adorned by a pair of diamond studded earrings that matched the silver wedding band that adorned her left finger.

Her make up consisted of some mascara that thickened her eyelashes in such a profound but natural like way. Her lips were painted with blood red lip stick that matched her blood red skirt. Her eyes were lined with some black eyeliner that matched her black eyeshadow that was made to create a smokey effect at the corner of her eyes. She looked like an enticing model when you combined her attire and make up with her steady, but petit build.

"Oh Darling," Jacqueline cooed as she made her way to me just so she could squeeze my cheeks just as she had with Aurora and Zarya who were now throwing scowls and looks of pity my way as they simultaneously rubbed their cheeks." It's been far too long." She cried as she unexpected pulled me into her arms in an embrace that allowed her sweet scent to fill my nose.

Sweet, but not at all overwhelming. A nice combination for perfume, I'd say.

She let go of me and smiled before making her way to the door," Now for some assistance," She announced as the door opened again to reveal three ladies,"I'm sure you're all in need of some body treatment. And don't worry, it's all on the house." She winked as some men brought in beds.

Well, at least I'm not in need of waxing this time, but I wouldn't say the same for the others so good luck to them.


"And done," The girl above me declared as she smiled at me with approval," I hope you will like what you see," She nervously smiled as she helped me up from the chair. "Let's take this off first then you can see yourself in your complete glory."

"Thank you." I tiredly smiled at her as I stretched my tense arm muscles. Popping sounds instantly filed my ears as the muscles released pent up tension from sitting for so long.

"I'm sorry for taking so long." She apologetically smiled at me with equal exhaustion lining her soft features.

"No, it's alright, I don't mind. Besides, beauty is pain, right?" I playfully winked, receiving a soft laugh and nod in agreement from my make-up artist.

"You have no idea," She agreed," Anyway, ready to see your new look? You look stunning," She reassuringly smiled at me as she gently took my hand and dragged me to the floor length mirror. The few steps it took to get there felt longer than usual with all the look that lingered on me from the ladies and Jacqueline who nodded with approval. I didn't even feel myself stop moving until the lady sighed," And there."

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