Chapter 21

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The irritating sound of continuous beeping surrounding me filled my ears, tickling my nerves to no end as my head erratically pounded in my ears with a pang. Another irritating tapping sound accompanied this irritating beeping that made me wanna scream in frustration.

A groan left my lips as I forcefully, but slowly pried my eyes open to what I knew a hospital room to resemble.

"You're finally awake," A familiar, cold voice said, making a chill run down my spine as shock filled my body and had my blood pressure dropping and my heart skipping a beat." Are you alright, Elizabeth? You suddenly seem paler than before." My mother's voice filled my ears.

I slowly turned my head to face an older, but very twin like version of myself sitting with a laptop cradled on her lap as she paused to look at me with a questioning stare.

"M-m-" I stopped to cough as my dry throat restrained my ability to speak.

"Oh Dear." My mom sighed as she got up and placed her laptop on the chair she was sitting on, just so she could go grab some water from the corner of the room. She poured some in a foam cup before making her way back to me allowing my eyes so take in her familiar figure.

She had her braided her pulled up into a tight, large bun on-top of her head. Her face was carefully painted in foundation, nude eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara. Her outfit consisted of a pair of black stilettos, a formal blood red knee-length red and a black blazer that had the sleeves folded up to her elbows. Her ears were adorned by a simple pair of diamond stud earrings.

She stopped in front of me and placed the water next to my bed on the small bedside table before helping me sit up my sore and tired body. She then reached out for the foam cup again before raising her eyebrow questioningly in an 'are you ready?'.

I simply nodded as I forcefully parted my dry lips as she placed the cup against my lips and lightly tilted the cup to let some water pour into my mouth in a slow stream. My throat felt like sandpaper so the first few drops of water that coated it fell like heaven. They made me crave more of the liquid but unfortunately, my mother only gave me about two spoons of it. Or at least that's what it felt like.

"Thank you," I awkwardly whispered, receiving a stiff nod in acknowledgement."
What happened?"

My mom merely sighed as she placed the cup of water on the bedside table before carefully moving her laptop off the chair before closing it as she sat back down and placed it on her lap.

"You see, that's what I wanted to ask too," She coldly looked at me with a look of expectation that had my memory crashing back into me and filling me with panic and sorrow," So, please amuse me?" She asked.

"I-i don't remember." I lied in response.

"Well, maybe I can assist you with your memory then, hmm?" She offered rhetorically," The nurses say they found you outside unconscious but when they took a look at you, they were surprised to find nothing wrong with you. You were merely unconscious. They ran multiple tests but returned with nothing. So I ask you again, what happened, Elizabeth?"

"I-i d-don't know." I nervously stuttered under my mother's scrutinising gaze.

"Well, whatever happened led to you not only being homeless it seems, but also pregnant. How responsible, wouldn't you say?" She mocked sympathy.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"Oh, so I assume you do not recall who the father of the child is either?" She sighed already assuming the worst of me as always.

"Why must you always assume the worst of me, Mother?" I weakly asked.

"Because your life choices are always the worst, Dear. Your father and I made a grave mistake in letting you 'live' your life, so we decided that you will be coming back home with me the minute you are discharged. Seeing as it seems you still lack responsibility, you will be returning home so you can be under your father and I's watchful gazes once more. You will also be starting online politics and business classes. We have decided to help you with the child as well, assuming you are unemployed and are unable to take care of it." She sighed for the upteenth time, a painfully irritating habit of hers.

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