Chapter 11 || Is This Some Kind Of Foreplay?

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𝐑 𝐎 𝐌 𝐀 𝐍' 𝐒  𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

Does it class as murder if you "accidentally" spill a harmful chemical on someone? If so, I'd happily spend life in prison if it means the demise of Rosalie Jackson.

"Rome, if you pump that iron any harder, your biceps will explode. As your spotter, I'm not qualified for that," Miles comments on my workout. Rolling my eyes, I place the barbell back before sliding out and sitting up on the bench, picking up my towel and wiping the sweat off my brow.

"Sorry, man. I had lab class before this and after spending that long with Hollywood, I needed a good tension release for my anger. Doesn't help that I have to spend all day tomorrow with her for the away game." I roll my neck before guzzling down some water.

"What's up between you two?" Wren questions as he sits opposite me on a bench, lifting a dumbbell with his right hand. "Is this some kind of foreplay?"

"Dude, no." I wrinkle my nose in disgust. "She's a pain in my ass and has been since freshman year. You know she told a girl a few weeks ago that girls were faking their orgasms with me."

All the guys laugh at my misfortune, and I shake my head before Miles speaks up. "You two need to fuck already. The sexual tension between you two is palpable."

I shake my head. "With Hollywood? No."

"I mean, it could get rid of all that anger you two have. It's a good outlet and hey no one says it has to mean anything." Isaiah shrugs before he trades machines with Atlas.

"I once slept with a girl who hated my guts, and it was amazing. Best sex I'd ever had," Atlas points out. "I'm just saying."

I clap my hands and look around. "Ok, does anyone have any intelligent ideas?"

"You guys on about that girl who was at the house the other day?" One of the players on the team, Felix, questions as he walks over and we all nod. "Are you blind or something?"

I roll my eyes. "I'm not saying she isn't attractive. But Hollywood and me? Not going to happen."

"Even just sex?" Miles questions and I nod my head.

"Even just sex. I'd be too scared she'd chop off my dick or something." I shiver with fear before turning to Miles and whispering. "How are things with you and Cara?"

Miles tenses before sighing. "Still as awful as usual. She still hates my guts and I'm still not over her."

"I don't think she's over you either man, no matter how much she seems to despise you right now." Isaiah pats Miles's shoulder.

"Everything got so out of hand," Miles mumbles. "Well, I'm going to drown my sorrows in alcohol. Who's in?"

"Not me. Gotta be up early for the trip. Enjoy though." I stand up before we all make our way into the gym showers to freshen up.

𝐑 𝐎 𝐒 𝐀 𝐋 𝐈 𝐄 ' 𝐒    𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

"How much longer?"

Cara glares at me as I remain posed in the most painful position. A red velvet curtain is draped around my body, hiding my underwear underneath to give the idea that I'm naked. Lay on the sofa...or half on and half off as I pose, I'm seizing up.

"This better be worth it," I mumble, and she chuckles. "Looking forward to your art show?"

"Kidding? I'm freaking out. They host it every year and most of the students picked are the seniors. If you're not, it's so rare. They invite so many people," Cara stresses.

"And you're as talented as all the students there, even more so," I tell her, and she purses her lips. "It's so cool you get your own little section."

"I'm going with the theme of abstract self-portraits. Showing the beauty in every person, regardless of race, size, disability," Cara explains her vision.

I raise my eyebrow. "Who else did you get to be your muse?"

"Well you, Octavia, a girl Lindsay from my class who is actually a plus size model and her roommate who is on the swim team and making history with her prosthetic leg," Cara lists. "For my last piece I'm wanting you to all model together cause I'm going to abstract you into one another."

We remain silent for the next few minutes, while she focuses on an intricate part before my phone beeps. "Who is it?"

Cara reaches over for my phone before she chuckles. "Figure skater? Aren't you two adorable with your nicknames for each other," Cara teases and I shoot her a glare. "He said he's coming here for 9am and if you're not ready, he'll leave without you."

"Hopefully he will. This day trip will be a nightmare and there's supposed to be a snowstorm coming in too," I explain as Cara goes back to sit at her easel.

"I'm heading over to the hockey house tomorrow to paint Octavia. She said they have a huge space we can use so I'll be inside if it hits." Cara waves me off, not too bothered if there is one. Considering she is from New York, she is probably more used to them than I am, being from California. "But then I might get stuck with Miles. Oh well, it's a big house."

"You can't avoid him forever. You two need to sort your unresolved feelings out," I pointedly tell her, as her eyes remain focused on the canvas in front of her.

"I can and I will." Cara smirks before she points the paintbrush my way. "Stop moving."

"I've been sitting here for hours, of course I'm moving!"

"You are the fussiest muse ever." Cara purses her lips.

I shoot her a glare. "Let's swap. You do this, and I'll paint. Then you try not to move for hours and see how you like it."

Cara raises her eyebrow. "Oh, Roman is going to have fun tomorrow."

"Let's hurry and finish, this is hurting."


𝐀 𝐔 𝐓 𝐇 𝐎 𝐑   𝐍 𝐎 𝐓 𝐄

 Decided to double update today, that way you aren't waiting until Friday for a bigger chapter as this one is a shorter one. Just wanted to give some insight into what their friends think about their hatred and the interaction between the main character and their friends.

Exciting things coming in the next few chapters!」

Exciting things coming in the next few chapters!」

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