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"Laiba, you are not a 'damsel in distress'. I'm not your 'knight in shining armour' and this is not a 'love story'."

Those words felt like a slap on her face.

Laiba was furious. Her blood boiled in her veins and she kinda lost her mind right then.

"THEN DON'T TOUCH ME!!" She screeched, pushing him away with her hands.

Aariz was shocked at her sudden change of behaviour.

Laiba was on her feet now, "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME OR PULL ME CLOSER TO YOU OR ASK ME WHY AM CRYING OR PUNCH SOMEONE BECAUSE THEY HURT ME OR SHOW ME OFF TO YOUR FRIENDS!!!!" She was shouting at him without holding back anything.

She didn't know when or how she moved but she was standing between his legs now.

"STOP PLAYING A PROTECTIVE HUSBAND FOR GOD DAMN SAKE !!!!" She screamed on his face, turning red with rage, "It's always youuu, Aariz. It's always youuuu...who pulls me towards you. Only to push me away the next second. You say something else. Your actions are something else. You are nice to me one time but you are worse to me most of the time. What am I supposed to do? How am I suppose to feel????" She demanded with burning eyes.

Aariz was looking up at her with a passive expression on his face, his hand propped behind him, supporting himself as he sat leaned back on the bed while she stood towering over him.

"Stop confusing me. Stop messing with my head. You think I don't see it? You think I'm stupid? You try to be nice and then, you decide against it?? Why?? What happens to you?? Why do you have to hurt me?? What are you trying to proof??" She kept firing all those questions which she had in her mind all this time, "You want me to believe you don't like me?? You want me to believe you are never going to develop feelings for me?? FINEEE!! I believeeee youuu....We can have the most platonic relationship to ever exist on this plant." She dragged, "You don't have to keep reminded me where I stand. I know it. You made it crystal clear to me long back. I know we can never be husband and wife for real. I. KNOW. WE. WILL. NEVER. FALL. IN. LOVE." She emphasised the last part loud and clear to him.

Aariz did not, even for a second, look away from her.

"But you have to know you can't do everything you want, Aariz..." Her voice dropped down a notch.

And she realised for the first time just how close their faces were.

He was waiting for her to continue while she felt her confidence dissolving under the intensity of his gaze.

"You..." She gulped, pushing herself to finish what she started, "-can'" She jabbed a finger to his chest, dropping her gaze, ""

"Why?" He tilted his chin, challengingly.

She didn't reply and kept screwing her finger on his chest.

He caught her hand and pulled it away from his chest.

She lifted her eyes to him.

"You must hate me." He said.

"I do."

"Then, what are you afraid of?"

Damsel In Distress (COMPLETED✓)Where stories live. Discover now