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A/N: ITS THE FINAL CHAPTER! Cue the music and somebody get the disco lights!!


"Hello Uncle Neil." The boy of ten years whispered, sitting quietly next to the headstone, "You may be wondering why I'm whispering...but it's because I'm not really supposed to be here. I wanted to talk to you and Aunt Isla today though, so I snuck past Mom and Dad. I hope they won't be too mad at me..." the boy scratched his knees, crossing one leg over the other and folding his hands in his lap, "I'm going to Welton Academy this year." The boy smiled brightly, "The school that you and Dad went to. I'm excited..." he frowned a bit, "but I'm also really nervous. The other boys might not want to be my friend...and they might be mean to me. I also might fail every class!"

The boy leaned his head on the gravestone, "Mom says I shouldn't worry about the others not liking me. Dad says that I'm naturally smart so I probably won't fail every class...that helps a bit. I am still worried." He nodded.

"My birthday wasn't too long ago. It was last week, August 7th. Mom baked a double chocolate cake. Aunt Chris and Uncle Knox came with Cass. She's two whole years older than me. Uncle Charlie came too...and I got letters from Uncle Meeks and Uncle Pitts! Uncle Meeks is up all the way up in Canada! I'd love to go to Canada sometime." The boy held a dreamy look on his face, "and Uncle Pitts is in Arizona. He says it's hot there. I hope they come back to Vermont sometime! I haven't seen them since my six birthday! Mom and Dad miss them, but I think they miss you the most. Uncle Meeks and Uncle Pitts can come back anytime they want...but you can't. I wish you could, cause then I could meet you in person! You'd like me wouldn't you?" The boy asked the open air.

"Yeah...oh! Charlie is trying to find a girlfriend! I'm helping him." A proud expression crossed the boy's features, "I don't really understand it all though. According to Uncle Charlie, she has to be "the one".  I asked him what that meant and he explained. He said she should make you get butterflies in your stomach when you look at her and your heart jump when she smiles or laughs." He crossed his arms in front of his chest, "I decided to ask Dad if he got butterflies when he looked at Mom. He smiled and said of course. I asked Mom if her heart jumped when Dad smiled or laughed. She ruffled my hair and said every time. I'm a bit concerned though...butterflies shouldn't be in your stomach and your heart shouldn't be jumping. I think they need to go to the doctor...but maybe I'll understand when I get a bit older."

"Well now that I think about it...I don't think Cass is "the one" for me. She's my bestest friend and I don't feel any different around her. Sure, she's pretty, but...I think she'd be better with somebody else. They can't hurt her though! Not unless they wanna deal with the likes of me! I'm fairly strong, don't you think Uncle Neil? I could protect Cass from anyone who tried to hurt her!" The boy pumped his fist in the air, mimicking a very strong punch.

He fell back against the headstone, breathing out a sigh, "Boy, am I tired. I spent a lot of time talking to Aunt Isla and watching the birds hop on the tree branches above her grave. Birds are really interesting aren't they? They can go and fly whenever they want! I wish I could fly...it would be so much fun." The boy's brows knit together, "but I wouldn't be able to talk anymore, and I like to talk. Not so much when I'm around people I don't know though, just with people closest to me..."

"I've already told you I'm going to Welton right? I think I did. Mom bought me a very nice notebook and Uncle Charlie got me some fancy pens. Dad said he would look for "sophisticated" clothes. I don't know what that means, but I hope it's something good—"

"Jameson Neil Anderson! Where are you?!" A woman's voice echoed through he graveyard. Before the boy could stand and run, the woman found him sitting beside his "Uncle's" grave. 

 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐁𝐁𝐎𝐍 ~ 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐏𝐨𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲Where stories live. Discover now