Leo's Home Life

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Setting: Leo's House, a cold dusty looking pale blue house with cobwebs and a creepy gate that makes squeaky noises, you can't see the beautiful waves in the ocean with the drifting colors from here unless you're on the roof, due to hills, and the only way up there is by a creeky old ladder but it's always worth it for the peace and quiet and the wonderful view. It's the only place Leo can really escape to when his parents are fighting or even throwing bottles at each other, it's too dangerous for him to stay put so he either goes to the roof or leaves for the day and just walked around. The trees barely have any water because Leo's parents' stopped paying for a gardener all their flowers where dead for the same reason, too.

Leo: Mom, Dad!! I'm home!! 

*Leo's parents stop arguing for a moment of silence, as if someone had yelled at them to shut up or something and then they continue after a few moments end, Leo drops his backpack on the floor and gives you a big sigh. He walks to his room while his parents are yelling at each other and then flops down on his bed*

Leo: Ugh, what do I even do with my time?- I guess I could research sexualities or something- I don't know- maybe I do like Marcus? Nahhhh we're too good of best friends. How could I even think that? Haha!!

*Leo starts typing up and finds a website full of every sexuality and their flags, he scrolls down for a bit*

Leo: Hmmm... MLM? No..- I think I'd like a girl, hm maybe Pansexual or Panromantic- Wait- I think I have a preference towards boys- Ah whatever- It doesn't matter for now, I guess I'll just be unlabeled or something-

Leo's Mom: WELL **** YOU!! *incoherent swears*



*Leo puts a pillow over his ears to try and block out the sound*

Leo's Mom: *muffled yelling*

Leo's Dad: *slightly hearable, still even with the pillow over his head*

Leo: I hate this.

*Leo put on a hat and started to walk out side. The hat was backwards, the one Leo had on. It was black with a school logo on it. Rainy days were of no less of inconvenience to him, and so he picked up the umbrella, and headed out, adjusting the hat as he walked into the living area. His parents were still fighting. As he shrugged it off, he kept thinking about what started the fight in the first place.*

Leo: It's probably too stupid for me to comprehend- 

*To him, they seemed to fight over everything. From the most tedious things, to lesser of inconvenience, he thought his parents weren't quite right for each other. As he walked out of the house, he puffed a sigh of relief. It was almost like a bird leaving the nest for the first time in a while. But, that nest was his home.*

Leo: The fresh air is magnificent...

*He was standing  on the edge of a mountain, laying his arms down on the railing, his hair was blowing in the wind, smoothly. He could smell the cold breeze of the mountain side, it comforted him, he liked knowing he had a place to go, he thought about walking to the homemade skatepark for the rickety old wood and beautiful view comforted him more than just this salty sea air. It would take too long, though- He didn't have enough time, he needed to be back by 6:30 PM for dinner... it was 6:00 PM..-*

Leo: *checks phone time* Sh*t, I have to go, and fast, I might have to run home-

*And with that, Leo jogged home, the salty sea air coming with him, remaining in his nose throughout the whole time it took him to get to the house, it cleared once he arrived, his nose was filled with the scent of dust and peeling paint, yet again-*

Leo: Ugh-

*Leo checked his watch, he needed to go in now, he walked slowly to the house, trying his best not to trip on loose branches or anything else on the floor, he slowly creeks the door open to the smell of burnt pasta and the sense of anger wafted through the air*

Leo: I'm home for dinner!!

Leo's Mom: Oh. Hello, Leo- I thought you where in your room?

Leo's Dad: WOOOOWWW Larissa, couldn't even notice when your own son left, guess you where too busy being a gigantic b****. 

Leo: So did you realize, dad?

Leo's Dad: Th..- That's a different story, your mom was distracting me.

Leo's Mom: Ugh..

Leo: Well, let's just eat, I'm starving-

Leo's Dad: I guess I am, too.

Leo's Mom: Same. I guess.

Leo's Dad: *rolls his eyes*

*Leo walks over to the dinner table and sits down as his mom brings over three plates of burntish pasta, fine cuisine in Leo's house. It was the best his mom could do, his dad was a bit sexist so he refused to cook, even though he was pretty decent at it. Leo decided that he accepted his mom's hard work!! She did the best she could, even if she was an a**hole sometimes, he appreciated it*

Leo: It's good, thanks mom..-

*Leo's Moms eyes widen, she's happy at the compliment, Leo could tell it had been a bad day for her and she really just needed a break. Most humans do at some point in their life.*

Leo's Dad: *mumbles something*

Leo's Mom: What did you say? Speak louder so we can hear.

Leo's Dad: I SAIDDD... You should be a better housewife, woman.

Leo's Mom: *yelling* Says the f***ing drunk!!

Leo's Dad: *yelling back* Don't speak to me like that, I'm the man of this house.

Leo: *stands up abruptly* I'm going to my room.

Leo's Mom: Wait- Leo-

Leo: No. I'm sick of this.


*Leo runs up to his room as his parents continue to yell at each other and lies down on the bed, waiting for this horrible day to end. He slowly drifts off to sleep, it doesn't matter that it's only 6:45 PM...*

To be Continued...


Thank you for getting this far into the book!! . 0.

That's actually so cool, man!! >:3

I hope you're enjoying it ;w;

See you in Chapter 3? :0 I promise the book hasn't even begun yet, basically!!

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