Chapter Fifty-Eight

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"Hey, wake up," a voice whispered as hands brushed against my cheek.

 I groaned sleepily and squirmed myself tighter into the warm fabric. "Come on, Sophie, wake up," the voice chuckled.

Wrinkling my nose in annoyance, I crept open an eyelid and then two before waiting for my vision to clear up. The first thing I saw was a sleek black dashboard, and then as I widened my gaze, I recognized the familiar street of my home from outside the clear window. I was home...

I slowly started to sit up but as I did, I noticed a heavy weight resting against my hips. I glanced over my shoulder, and almost jumped out of my skin when I saw Nathan's face inches away from mine. His eyes twinkled with far too much excitement. "Good sleep?" he smiled. 

I widened my eyes as I realized why he looked so happy. I had fallen asleep on him. Shit.

I glanced over at Brandon in the passenger seat in panic, but he offered me no condolences other than a suggestive wink.


As Brandon shut off the engine, I quickly scrambled to undo the seatbelt before practically throwing myself out of the car. I didn't trust myself to be alone with him in the car for one second. There was no knowing what I might do. 

For fuck's sake, I had literally given him my bra at the back of a club. I don't think you could humanely be less lacking in self-control than that.

Nathan strolled out of the car after me and closed the door before making his way to my side. "Why so jumpy?" he teased.

"Why are you so annoying?" I bit back childishly. 

Nathan opened his mouth to spit something back, but he was interrupted by the sound of a car door closing. I looked over to the sound and saw Brandon making his way towards us with his suitcase rolling along behind him.

"Hey, Nathan, thanks for letting me drive," Brandon called out as he threw Nathan over his car keys. 

 Nathan caught it easily enough and silently pocketed it without a word of thank you. I rolled my eyes, fed up with this weird little jealousy thing that was going on. 

"Say something," I hissed as I gave Nathan a slap on the shoulder.

 He looked down to the floor childishly and kicked a bit of rubble on the floor. "No problem," he muttered lowly under his breath. 

"Louder," I snapped.

 He rolled his eyes. "Fine, no problem," he said, slightly louder this time.

Brandon watched the two of us with an amused smile on his face. When Nathan wasn't looking, I saw him quite unsubtly mouth, 'whipped as fuck.'

I rolled my eyes, not bothering to grace him with any form of a response.

Brandon cleared his throat with a smile. "Well, I guess, I'll be off now. See you, Soph," he said as he walked over to me and embraced me in a hug. 

"See you, Bran-bran. Have a good Christmas and say hi to your mum for me," I laughed as I squeezed him back.

About five seconds into the hug, I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me back. "Hmm, bit too long for an ex-boyfriend hug," Nathan commented slyly.

I shook my head at his ridiculousness but reluctantly pulled back away from the hug. "Seriously?" I said, cocking an eyebrow up at him. 

"What?" Just saying," Nathan hummed innocently.

Brandon's lips tugged up as he turned to face Nathan. "Enjoy your time at Soph's, Nathan." Then with a nod and a wave goodbye, he walked over to the steps of the house beside mine.

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