Chapter 22 - Let's meet your man first

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Chapter 22 - Let's meet your man first

Instead of going back to her apartment, she drove to her parent's house. Maybe she should stay with them for a few weeks, to make sure she was there to prevent whatever Gio intends to do to her family.

Her grip on the steering wheel tightens as flashes of the horrible memories played again in her mind. She will never make the same mistake again.

"Mom? Dad?" Ashley called out as she entered the house using her spare key.

Frowning when no one responded to her call, she followed the noise coming from the kitchen. She had seen Ashton and her father's car parked at the usual spot outside the house, so they should be at home.

"Mom, Dad," she called out again as she entered the kitchen.

The conversation immediately stopped and she wondered if she was the topic that they were secretly talking about again. But her father's expression was anger while her mother was shocked. As for Ashton, he looked guilty, angry, and defensive.

Okay, so maybe they were not talking about her.

"Um, I'm back to visit? And to stay over for some nights?" Ashley said hesitantly when no one spoke up.

She nearly took a step back in fear when the angry Mr. Summer suddenly marched towards her with the help of his cane. "Did you know this?"

"Know what?"

"Your brother likes man," Mrs. Summer said softly, her eyes overwhelmed with grief.

Ashley's eyes widened, turned to stare at Ashton, then to her father, and lastly to her mother. "Err, what kind of like?"

"Gay! My son! My only son is gay!" Mr. Summer yelled loudly, tapping his cane on the floor at each word. By now, one had to wonder if their neighbors could hear them.

Ashley does not know what to say to that. "But he has dated women before." She was pretty sure she had seen her twin dating some ladies before but they always broke up shortly after.

"Just to check my sexual orientation and after that was to keep my sexual preference a secret," Ashton said with a glare at his father. "That is why I did not tell anyone. Because my family won't accept it!"

"Hey, I never say I did not accept it!" Ashley protested and Mr. Summer pinned her with a glare. "Daddy, you can't expect everyone to be straight as a ruler! You do have a friend that likes men! I remember that!"

"I won't accept my son likes- likes man!"

"Aw, so I can't start dating a woman then?" Ashley asked with disappointment.

"I forbid it!" Mr. Summer's face was already bursting red in anger.

"Daddy, I had married one man and dated another man. Both relationships failed, so why can't I try dating a woman? I might end up happy and you will get another pretty daughter."

"I want my grandchildren!"

"Daddy, I could just adopt one if you want. Plus, how can you possibly think Ashton could stomach it from having intercourse with a woman instead of a man? I will pity that woman too!"

Although Ashton was thankful that his sister sided with him, he still hoped she would not speak as if he was a criminal!

"It- it is a sin to love another person with your same gender!" Mr. Summer spluttered in protest.

Ashley sighed and took a seat on a chair, already regretting why she would choose this time to come back. But who told her that Ashton was her brother? She could not just stand aside and watch her parents beat down Ashton until he yielded to them, which in return would break him.

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