Chapter 34 - Are you being a pervert?

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This is the safe version of the chapter. For the full, NSFW version, you can only read it on my Patreon page. This is to avoid underage readers from being *coughs* corrupted. For my non-patron, stay fluff!

Chapter 34* - Are you being a pervert?

It was her mistake to think he would not dare to open the bathroom door while she was in it!

"Get out! Aren't you supposed to be cooking?" Ashley asked coldly, her hands tightly gripping onto her pants. Lucky for her, she had yet to strip and manage to protect her remaining chastity.

Sean smirked and leaned against the door as he gazed at her without feeling ashamed. "Do you choose to starve yourself during your non-working days or choose to call for takeouts? Either way, both of them are not healthy for you. No wonder you've gotten much thinner..."

That answered whether there was any ingredient left in her fridge. "There should still be some cans in the pantry."

"I doubt I could cook anything with only canned pineapples. I could make a pie, but there are not enough ingredients for it."

"...I forgot I had given most of my food to Ashton." Seeing the expiry date getting nearer, she had given most of them to Ashton and left behind canned pineapple, one of her favorite snacks, for herself.

"I actually wanted to tell you I will do a short grocery trip. But you are not in your room and I got worried when there was no sound coming from the bathroom. With your injury, I fear you could have tripped and knocked onto your head."

"I would be thankful for your concern if you do not sound very enthusiastic about your make-belief incident. Now, please get out."

"I can be your crutch while you change. Your swollen ankle would get even more swollen if you move it too much."

Ashley's expression turned dark. "Are you being a pervert?"

He grinned wickedly. "It's not like I had not seen you naked before."

She could not stop herself from blushing. "You are not going to see it again! And how could you enter without knocking!"

"Actually, I have waited outside but you did not emerge for a long time and I had no choice but to come in and have a look in case you are having some trouble. And I did knock." It was actually just a minute, but he considers it as a 'long' time. As for knocking, he did it at the same time testing the doorknob.

He was really surprised when it was unlocked and it was too late to retreat.

Unable to retaliate, Ashley just settled on getting rid of him. "Just get out! I can change by myself. Everyone needs time to change!"

"How about I look away while assisting you? Or tie up a towel around my eyes?" Sean still insists on helping.

Ashley sighed loudly. "Can't you get out? I will call you if I need help."

"It will be dangerous if I fail to hear your call. I think it's better for me to remain here. Don't worry. I won't look. I am just here in case you need help." Sean turned his back to face her and ignore her harassed look.

"How can I not worry?" Ashley snapped. "And it's just a small sprain, not a broken bone! There's no need to worry so much!"

"Both of them are still considered leg injuries. Will you at least let me help as a friend? Treat me as a precaution tool in case you accidentally tripped."

Ashley felt a tad tired of arguing with this stubborn man, not knowing how much fighting power he still has. The longer she struggled to remain upright, the more painful her leg became. "... Don't turn around."

"Just change."

With someone around, especially one that she still has a lingering attraction to, it was difficult to control her beating heart as she undresses. She tossed her blouse and quickly slipped onto her lounge shirt. Checking that he was still facing away, she then unbuttons her pants.

Before she could pull down her pants and avoid her bandaged legs, Sean suddenly turned to face her and she instinctively screamed. She would have tripped over her pants in the rush to cover herself if Sean had not swiftly reached out to steady her.

"Hush! You are too slow. I will help you with that," Sean shamelessly coaxed and grip onto her half undressed pants. Ignoring her protest, he carefully avoided her injured part and tossed her pants away.

He raked his eyes over her mostly naked body and she quickly grabbed her lounge bottom to cover herself with her face getting increasingly red.

"Not taking off your underwear?" he asked huskily and she shivered in response. He must have remembered her little habit of removing her bra during sleep.

Ashley does know what had made her say, "Not when you are here."

His eyes darkened and she thought he would have jumped onto her, only for him to grab onto her shorts and help her to wear them. Her skin tingled fiercely as he caressed her exposed skin during his 'help'. He did not bother hiding his intention, letting his hands boldly raking around her flesh.

And she did not stop him.

Perhaps it was lust that clouded her judgment and rationality next because what happened next was completely out of her control.

The initial fierce kiss quickly turned gentle after he could sense there was no protest coming from her. This was perhaps the most peaceful and affectionate kiss they had after their divorce. This kiss successfully melted all her thoughts and she threw every drop of her longing towards him into it. She was actively taking part in rubbing their heated lips together, imprinting the shape of her lips against his.

She did not know who was the first one that starts taking off their clothes.

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