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"Daddy I want more." Nevaeh stated, scraping the empty bowl of food. She licked her fingers and around her lips smacking like there was still food left.

"That's your second bowl dooda." Zylin frowned, not even done with his first bowl. Nevaeh had gotten her nickname because when she started potty training she would always tell him or his mom that she had to dooda. Nevaeh hated being called her nickname in public or in front of company.

Nevaeh mugged Zylin and Heaven embarrassed. Zylin knew what he was doing, she had embarrassed him in front of Heaven earlier so now it was his turn.

"That's not my name." She fumed crossing her arms around her chest and rolling her neck.

"Dooda, yes it is." Zylin smirked.

Nevaeh's eyes started to water. Zylin burst out laughing making her put her head on the table as sobs released from her mouth. Heaven lowly chuckled at Zylin's pettiness.

"Leave her alone." She stated.

"She was just messing with me, but when it's time for me to do it she turn into a crybaby. It don't work like that." Zylin shrugged, ignoring Nevaeh cries. Zylin always taught Nevaeh that if she could dish it out she had to be able to take it.

"Leave me's why I don't like y'all!"Nevaeh cried, sticking her tongue out and rolling her neck. Zylin leaned over and mushed her head. Heaven put her hand over her chest, fake hurting.


"I'm not crying, I'm emotional." Nevaeh sniffled, wiping her face. Heaven stifled a laugh at the little girl's dramatics. Heaven liked Nevaeh, she was just spoiled.

"Can I get ice cream?" Nevaeh asked.

"You sure can't. You think I forgot about earlier." Zylin chuckled. Nevaeh had gotten a red at school because she asked her teacher why she didn't have hair. Nevaeh didn't think she was being mean she was just curious.

"Ms. Heaven can I have ice cream?" Nevaeh asked Heaven making Heaven choke on her food. Nevaeh had kept her laughing the whole time. She could tell that she gave Zylin trouble.

"Your dad said no boo." Heaven chuckled. Nevaeh was trying to get Heaven caught between her trouble. She though that Heaven would be on her side, but obviously she was proved wrong.

"Ms. Heaven do you like my daddy?" Nevaeh asked smirking at her dad. Zylin mugged Nevaeh.

Heaven glanced at Zylin and decided to tease him. She leaned down into Nevaeh's ear and whispered, "Yes I like your dad, but it has to be a secret." Nevaeh nodded her head and put a bubble in her mouth.

"What you told her?" Zylin chuckled. He wanted to hear Heaven's answer.

"Aht you're being nosey sir." Heaven smirked, picking up her glass and taking a swig of her water. The look on Zylin's face told it all that he was nervous. She only teased him because she knew how she made him. She wanted him to relax.

"Daddy do you like Ms. Heaven?" Nevaeh asked placing her hands under her chin. If her dad liked Heaven, then she would tell him that Heaven liked him.

"Nope." Zylin shrugged, popping the P. Heaven let out a loud laugh. She knew he was being petty, all because she wouldn't tell him her answer. Zylin was only fooling himself.

"Damn that's mean." Heaven said after her laughter died down. Zylin only shrugged his shoulders and went back to eating his food. If Heaven wanted to be petty, he was going to join her game.

Heaven stared at Zylin while he ate, pushing her empty bowl forward. When he looked up their eyes made eye contact. Surprisingly, Zylin held contact with Heaven making her stomach fill with butterflies.

Heaven WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now