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Three days later...

Solana and Solai slept peacefully as Ms. Georgia and the doctor watched. Last week Solana had a home check, which she passed. Over the last couple of days, she had been waiting for her foster parenting results from the state and judge. She had became nervous, being that the wait felt like years, but she was finally about to receive good news.

"So she's now able to stay here without me." Ms. Georgia whispered to the doctor.

"Well that's good to hear. Would you like to deliver your news first or do you suggest that I go first?" The doctor asked, writing down all of Solai's vitals that showed up on the monitor.

"I'll go first, I think we could all use some good news right now." Ms. Georgia nodded. She walked over to the hospital bed and shook Solana awake. Solana's eyes popped open, immediately holding Solai tighter. "It's me." Ms. Georgia said, making Solana relax.

"Everything okay?" Solana asked, looking down feeling Solai squirm in her arms.

"Well I'm here to deliver the good news." Ms. Georgia smiled. "So you're an official foster parent. The judge and the state were very impressed with all of your parenting results. I also brung up the possible idea of adopting Solai, and they're giving you a three-month trial period. If you continue to pass all visitation checks with me, and continue to have a clean background, we can move forward with that process."

Solana cheesed excitedly as she heard every word that spewed out of Ms. Georgia's mouth. "So when she's discharged from here she can come to my house?" She asked to be sure she was comprehending correctly.

"That's right. My supervisor also said that she wants a invite to the birthday party." Ms. Georgia added, with a small smile.

"Yes ma'am. I had the invitations printed out last week, I'll give you two, one for her and you." Solana eagerly nodded. She was beaming with excitement, and she couldn't wait to tell her family the good news.

"Now being that Solai is still a child of the state which means she's not adopted as of yet means that they're still some boundaries. Her identity is to remain private at all times. As far as her birthday I know lots of pictures will be taken, so I'll ask my supervisor and the judge to give a one-time pass. If that pass is granted you're the only one who can post her and your page has to go on private mode. Solai's safety is first priority." Ms. Georgia explained.

"I'll post the pictures and then delete them the same day." Solana nodded.

"Now we'll get into the other boundaries a little later, but for right now the doctor has some news for us." Ms. Georgia stated. Solana's smile dimmed once she caught a glimpse of the doctor's facial expression.

"First and foremost, congratulations to the both of you. I understand that Solai has a birthday coming up in the next week. Unfortunately if she doesn't gain at least five pounds by the end of this week, I won't be able to discharge her. She's still failing to thrive."

Solana sighed, looking down at Solai. "Can I bring her food as well? I know that she's on the nasogastric feeding tube but can she also start a solid food diet?" Solana asked.

"Well the feeding tube has been giving her the nutrients that she lacked, but we can start her on a solid food diet. It won't necessarily interfere with the feeding tube." The doctor nodding, writing down notes in Solai's chart.

"So if she does gain the five pounds she'll be able to be discharged?" Solana asked for clarity.


Solai opened her eyes from the constant talking and clutched Solana's shirt with one of her hands. She leaned over just a little to point to her coloring books.

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