Chapter 2 ~ going to school ~

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Narrator's pov

As Kaito entered the school, he noticed  that everyone was staring at him, but he didn't mind because he was used to it in his previous life.Kaito had to deal  with people staring at him and  spreading rumors about him all over school on a daily basis. He might even feel uneasy if they vanished without a  trace.

Most people would head straight  to class after retrieving their books from the locker, but Kaito didnt. He was  planning on going to the rooftop, as he usually does. The teacher, on the other hand,implies otherwise. As Kaito approached the stairwell. 

'Where do you think you're going?'

A teacher said to him.

'To the rooftop, where else?' 

said Kaito, irritated that he had been stopped.

'You should be heading to class.You  have a test today, don't you?' 

The teacher reminded Kaito of his upcoming test and escorted him to  the classroom.

As Kaito sat down. You can clearly see the annoyence on his face. He didn't want to come to the classroom in the first place and now there's a test!? Kaito wasn't nervous as he was the top of his class in his past life.

Even without studying he could score a very high score.  Instead he was annoyed. He wanted to sleep as he was very tired. Well i mean he's tired everyday. He could feel people's stares as if they were drilling a hole in his soul, but he was used to it. Nothing can annoy him anymore.

In Kaito's past life (Noah), his family didn't pay much attention to him. He lacked attention as a child. Noah grew up in a wealthy family.

You may be envious of him as a result, but there is a cost to everything. His parents were always preoccupied with work. They didn't pay much attention to him because their business was struggling.

His parents were overworked, and his siblings were studying. Though despite his siblings hectic schedules, they always made time for him. So his siblings were the only people he felt comfortable with. To gain the attention of his family, he would try to impress his parents, making them proud so that they would pay attention to him.

 He would lock himself in his room and study for hours on end just to get perfect grades on his tests and exams. As a result, studying gradually became his top priority. And that is all he does.

On top of that, Noah didn't have any friends with whom he could talk or play. He was anti-social and didn't know how to communicate with others in a polite manner. He always kept a straight face. When he talks to his classmates, they are always rude or impolite.

As a result, he eventually gave up on making friends and focused on something else. Such as when reading or studying. His life was, to put it mildly, dull. Nothing noteworthy has occurred. The only memory he had was of him studying all hours of the day and night. Exhausting himself and pushing himself until he collapsed from exhaustion.

The original second male lead had the same problems, but adding one more problem. He didn't know how to express his feeling properly. He would yell, scream and hit others.

That's why he had a bad reputation. He actually just needed someone to talk to. Someone to express his feelings too, but no-one would listen to him. The only person who did was the original female lead which is why he fell in love with her.

Now backstories aside lets go make to the main story.

Narrator's pov

As the bell rung. You could here students rushing back to their classrooms. To get in just in time before the teacher came in. Then Kaito realized he forgot something very important...

The person who sits next to him was the male lead Yuki akira. He was devastated. The person he tried to desperately avoid is siting next to him! Kaito wanted to just get up and leave but he couldn't as he saw Yuki sitting down right next to him. The male lead sits next to the window as always.

There's always that one scene where the male lead stares off into space. For once Kaito was jealous of Yuki who got to sit next to the window. He wanted to sit there instead, but there's nothing he could really do about it.

He gave Yuki a glare than turned back to the blackboard. The teacher wrote on the board.

'Math test Time limit: 30 mins'

Of course it had to be a Math test Kaito thought to himself.

After the teacher gave the students the test paper. He said it loudly so the whole class could hear it.

'Time starts now!'

Everyone looked down at their tests and started doing them.

'Why is this so hard?'

'Is it even possible to finish this test?'

'I'm so going to fail!'

People's whispers could be heard in the classroom. Others were complaining about how difficult the test was, but for Kaito it was a piece of cake. He has learnt all of them in his past life already. So recalling how to do these kinds of questions wasn't difficult at all.

After Kaito wrote the answer for the last question. He put his head down on the desk and went to sleep. He literally fell asleep in seconds. People stared at Kaito.

'How did he finish so quickly?'

People whispered and gossiped about Kaito and his weird behaviour. Even the male lead, Yuki, stared at him for a while before going back to finishing his test.

'Times up, pencils down!'

The teacher's voice echoed through the room. You could hear the voices of people and the frustration in their voices as they talked with their friends about the test.

Sorry i had to end this chapter early as i still have to go study for my exam! I hoped you enjoyed and i will try to upload as soon as i can! Thanks for reading ♡(◍•ᴗ•◍)

I changed a bit of chapter 1 so i hope that the story makes a bit more sense now!(・∀・)

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