Chapter 11 ~time for class~

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Narrator's pov

Yuki looks towards Kaito, hoping that he will strike up a discussion with him. Of course, Kaito notices, but chooses to pretend as if he doesn't. He pretends as if Yuki was only staring at something on the other side of the room. It was nothing out of the ordinary for Kaito, who was used to Yuki staring at him during class. Yuki stole glimpses now and then, trying not to draw attention to himself. It's amusing how the other students are completely unconcerned with his behavior. Kaito was becoming increasingly agitated, so he decided to confront him at recess.

There was nothing unusual about the class. It was quite dull. The teacher was discussing the empire's history. And the various discoveries they made? It was boring, to say the least. Many students were scribbling in their notebooks or handing notes to one another, so they undoubtedly thought the same way.

The teacher's favorites are the select few who genuinely pay attention to the teacher. They respond to questions in a timely manner, and their schoolwork is always perfect. Yuki was one of the few, although his grades had begun to decline recently. Something seemed to be on his mind, but the teacher didn't think much about it. There is nothing a prince has to worry about, right?

Yuki didn't have to try in school because he'd gotten an A at the end of the year regardless. He just studied because he needed to maintain his good reputation. He needed everyone to think he was intelligent, kind, and all-around wonderful. He needs others to think he is flawless. He's spent his entire life trying to be perfect. He grows tired of the whole thing from time to time, but no matter what he thinks, he has to be perfect. At the very least, in front of the rest of the world. It doesn't matter that he has to put on a show for everyone. He just has to be the ideal prince, the prince everyone wants and needs.

To be honest, Yuki was sick of being perfect. Not long later, he found out he could act like himself in front of Kaito. Yuki quickly became fond of him during the time he spent with Kaito and wanted to spend more time with him. Despite Kaito's showing his dislike for Yuki openly, Yuki appreciated the opportunity to be himself for a change. Though Yuki didn't exactly have a good personality, you may argue that Yuki is a worse person than Kaito, but no one would dare tell Yuki that he is rude or impolite.

Back to the present

Kaito disliked history and found the lecture to be tedious. It might be intriguing for someone who enjoys history, but not for Kaito... It's the most uninteresting class he's ever taken. Except for P.E., he would take any class over this. But that's a different tale altogether. Kaito was gradually falling asleep. He dozed off as he rested his head on the table. As Kaito fell asleep, a pair of eyes landed on the sleeping person next to him.

"Just a few moments ago, you were conversing with him. You were talking to them, laughing and smiling. And now you're sleeping peacefully next to me. "

Yuki pondered as he locked his gaze on Kaito and let out a chukle. If it was before, Yuki wouldn't think much about this because Kaito would always sleep in class, but seeing him hanging out with others didn't sit right with Yuki. Nobody wanted to be Kaito's friend before, since he was the school's troublemaker. Yuki was the only person who was willing to talk to him. As a result, he never imagined Kaito having other friends with whom he could spend time.

Yuki was troubled by the concept, but he couldn't explain why. But why is that?Why is he so concerned? It's as if Yuki wanted Kaito for himself alone. Yuki's hand unwittingly extended out to Kaito's while he was deep in thought. As he snapped out of his thoughts, his finger was near to brushing Kaito's hair.

"What are you doing, Yuki? What is wrong with you?"

Yuki murmured to himself as he focused on the teacher, but his gaze was always drawn back to the sleeping boy next to him. Time flew by, and the bell sounded. Kaito was startled awake by the noise. Yuki instantly turned his head to the window as soon as he realized Kaito was awake, as if he had never paid attention to him before at all.

Kaito yawned and lifted his head from the desk, stretching his arms. Yuki's ears were slowly turning red, he noticed. Kaito was perplexed, but decided not to dwell on it.

"What were you doing while we were in class?"

In a perplexed tone, Kaito inquired about Yuki. Yuki panicked and turned his head towards Kaito.

"Did he find out?" "How did he figure it out?" "Wasn't he asleep?"

As Yuki tried to organize his thoughts, questions like these arose in his mind. Yuki responds, attempting to appear puzzled.

"What do you mean?"

"Stop acting like you don't know what I mean. Why were you staring at me in class? "

Yuki was relieved after hearing his question.

"I wasn't staring at you. How did you come to the conclusion that I was?"

Kaito let out a sigh. He had a feeling Yuki was going to say something along those lines.

"Nothing... Just try not to look at my dirrection too long in class. It makes me feel uncomfortable."

Kaito got up from his seat and went looking for Haru and the twins, leaving Yuki behind. After hearing that, Yuki was upset, but he decided not to pay attention to it.

"I'm sure he's joking. The majority of people adore and respect me."

Yuki muttered under his breath, a slight chuckle coming out of his mouth. Haru greeted Kaito with a smile as Kaito headed towards his new friends.

"C'mon, let's go. We don't want to wait in line for an hour, do we? "

"Yea, let's go!"

Hikaru said estatically, with a smile on her face.

"She's right, we should hurry."

Hikaru replied as they walked out of the classroom together.

This is the end of the chapter! Sorry for the late update! (─.─||)i had some homework to catch up on. Thank you so much for all the votes and follows! (。・ω・。)ノ♡ I really appreciate them! I still have two book reports and a project to do. ( ;∀;) Online classes are definitely a hassle but i can't do much about it. (^~^;)ゞ Thank you so much for your continuious support! This started as a hobby and i didn't really have any expectations for this novel. It's really amazing to see how far we've come, (≧▽≦) but i couldn't have done it without all of you! (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。 I'm so grateful that i have such amazing readers like you guys. <( ̄︶ ̄)> I just feel like I don't deserve you all. You're all extremely kind, supportive and just an overall amazing people. ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ I know i'm always expressing my thanks in these notes but that's just how much i appreciate them. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧School's been a bit stressful lately so reading the comments really motivate me. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ Once again thank you so much for your support I'll try my best to please you all in the next chapter! I wish you all a great day/night! (*˘︶˘*).。*♡

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