3// don't

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"You've got something to say. Why don't speak it out loud, instead of living in your head. It's always to say why don't you take your heart out." –the 1975

jessie is on top. i see her as aisha dee from chasing life but curvier & with midnight blue hair & purple strands in it.

Zoey Willow Hunter

 BLOOD pumping as if to save my life, the sound of my heart rendered me deaf. Jessie's eyes were big and concerned, as I walked behind the back door to the store. Seeing him—it drove me crazy with anger and emotion. All I wanted was for him to go away, for this to have never happened.

I put my hands on the closest wall, shut my eyes and attempted to breath properly again. I counted to ten before steadying my breath, my hands were shaking and my legs felt as if they would fail me.

"I'm sorry," I heard Jess say; "you're Nico, right?" A mumbled reply I couldn't overhear came out from him.

She swung the store door open and shouted, "Zoey, I'm having a chat with Nico! Don't worry about me. If you were wondering why we're not chatting here, it's probably 'cause you're being a noisy bitch and listening to us!"

I peeked through the peephole and saw her speaking cheerfully with him, bouncing on her feet like a madwoman. Her purple streaks showed less, hidden beneath the puffy afro she rocked with ease. Nico's face nodded with excitement and he shook her hand. The boy who came into the shop before him, Adrian, began talking to Jessie but she waved to Nico and went back inside. Both boys walked away, Nico cast one last glance at the store and I stopped looking through the hole, afraid that he might have seen me

Jessie pushed the back door open, effectively hitting me in the face. I fell back and hit the paint spotted ground, butt first. She towered over me, which was rare since she was an inch shorter than me, a wavering stern look upon her features. She crossed her arms and then pointed a finger down at me.

"You bloody idiot," she said, stretching her hand to help me up.

By habit, I pulled her down on the ground; the memory of the previous events momentarily erased from my brain. Being away from my friends in Silvercrest was the hardest thing I'd gone through—but at least I had Jessie. I tried to stay in contact with Amir, Joel, Oliver, Diana and obviously James, as much as possible.

But being a thousand miles away from each other made life hard. Lucy and I had fallen out a few years ago, we drifted apart; she changed and I didn't. Aaron moved to Montreal. Fred lived in New York. As for Xandra; she and I hadn't spoken since graduation. Oliver called every once in a while; he now lived with his boyfriend, Uriah in Toronto.

A smile lighting my face, I watched as Jessie grumbled a few curse words destined to me. She put her weight on one side, plopped her arm on the ground, hand lost in her hair and pointed her manicured finger once again at me.

"Comfortable?" I asked.

Her eyes went from annoyed to strict, "Very, thanks for asking. But what happened out there?"

"What was supposed to happen."

"Really? You being a bitch to him is what was supposed to happen? The poor lad looked like he was about to cry. Or he's just that adorable all the time," she sighed.

I shrugged, feeling not one ounce of regret. For four years, anger and remorse had been piling up. I usually was a forgiving person, but him? I had no idea why, I could never get rid of how he made me feel. When someone made me feel like absolute shit as he did, all I wanted to do was stay away from them—or physically and mentally punch them.

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