12// the most wonderful time of the year

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Zoey in Silvercrest for her mom's wedding. Nico in London with his cousin and Jessie, Zoey's friend. Camilla is the new addition to the group. We are now the 21st December; nico's exams are done and he's travelling to Silvercrest to see his dad in two days. It's been three weeks since Zoey broke up with her cheating ex, James, and told Nico she needs space from him.

this chapter's for one of my closest friends and homies, Shiva, who is the -no joke-realest. Thank you for believing in me when I didn't.

Also, it is for everyone and anyone who has stuck with my writer's block, not pressured me to write and understood. I know I'm not great at answering messages, but you have to know that every kind message you say means the WORLD TO ME. You are a freaking gem. Each and every one of you.

please read the author's note later! and enjoy, loves.

so. I'm like hey what's up hello. I'm sorry for such a long absence. Two months? Three?Things got a little dull in the writing area and for a month, I hadn't written anything at all. But I broke through the rut!! and here I am !!!! the thing is: I'm not good with constant updates, unlike most Wattpad writers. And right now, it's SO rare for me to find the time to write. But I have a lot planned for Artgirl and it's my baby, so don't even consider the idea of me giving up on it. Thank you for understanding and if you didn't, I'd rather you stop reading now. The same thing happened with Mailboy, I stopped writing it for almost a year, so it took 2 years to be completed. I'll do my best to write when I can. Thank you. I love you all more than you'd think.


"I do not know what it is about you that closes and opens; only something in me understands the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses." -e.e. cummings. love that man.


the night of the 21st of December, 2017.

Nicolas Bear Forrest

"Drive safe," Adrian shut the door behind the last of the party guests. We made sure that every group of friends had a designated sober driver or had an Uber car pick them up.

Empty liquor bottles, scattered crisps and misplaced furniture were the usual leftover elements after a party. This one was in celebration of the end of midterms, we washed away the built-up stress and residue of strict memories in our minds with loud music. The smiles were present on most faces, ones of relief. On this same morning, the exams had ended. Even though the moment the doors open and we walked out of the room, all of the knowledge engraved into our minds started fading away; we needed to kick-start the holidays. And so the air filled with clumsy laughter and dances that didn't seem so awkward after a few drinks.

"I really, really love the smell of crisps," I said. "Don't you?"

Adrian nodded, "of course, Nico."

"Hm," Jessie added. She was sitting on the couch, bobbing her head to music. We had discovered a few hours earlier that she hated our taste in music and would rather listen to J. Cole, Jay Z and Drake's albums on her own earphones, at the maximum volume, than to anything else. "This is a really good song," she shouted. "Don't you think?"

Camilla and Adrian stared at her for a full five seconds, debating what to answer. As they were the only ones with a sober state of mind, they could actually think about what to say. Camilla didn't drink anything but wine and never did so at parties; she was the designated driver and mum with her friends. Adrian, who had once done a 45 second keg stand without instaneously throwing up, had to get on a 6 a.m. train to spend the holidays with his family.

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