Making Up #1

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Jean Grey:

Krakoa was in full swing. It was now a nation recognized by most of the world. Slowly, it dug it's claws into all ventures of business from medicine to technology.

You were happy for them. Really, you were. But you still didn't agree with them just hiding away. But, you understood it.

You were a human. That was the end of it.

Though it had been a month since you left Jean, you had seen her on TV with her fellow mutants. All faces you knew. All friends you once called family.

Maybe that was why you were so surpised to find her at your door.

Jean asked for you to come with her to get some coffee, which you agreed to. While you both caught up, she expressed how much she had missed you. You missed her as well.

When she asked you to come with her to Krakoa, you told her that you would consider it. You just needed some time.

And, two weeks later, you and Jean were once again living together.


You and Betsy were finally able to fully move forward in your relationship. Now that she knew what minds of things that haunted you, she was able to help you.

You continued to attend the weekly meetings with Dylan. He had invited you and Betsy over for dinner with him and his wife. It was a nice time.

And, the two of you started to do more stuff like that.

You started to do normal couple things.

Your job with the FBI was going much more smoothly as well. Betsy had talked to Scott Summers and he agreed to allow you to be a contact in case you needed the X-Men's help.

Speaking of which, you actually met the X-Men. Had a few of them over for dinner.

You weren't okay, but with Betsy's help, you were getting there.

Invisible Woman:

You and Sue were now in an understanding together. It was a rough patch, but you both managed to move on.

And, you officially joined the Avengers.

Sue insisted.

And by doing so, you managed to finally speak to your sister on your own terms. Sue was right. This was long overdue.

And so, you and your sister had a heart to heart. After 4 hours of talking, the two of you realized that there wasn't a problem.

You thought she hated you for pursing such a dangerous life.

She thought you pushed her away to keep her safe.

Sue was overjoyed to hear that you had invited your sister over for a proper dinner. One with the entire family.

And so, your sister met the Fantastic Four.

Black Widow:

It was....odd.

Natasha living with you was a weird experience. Seeing her so casual like this all the was kinda nice.

Waking up with her next to you like this every morning was comforting. Seeing her walk around in your clothes made you blush.

And, of course, she was much more open with you.

Dates became more common. Her missions were strictly on a none physical basis. No more making moves on the bad guy anymore. Nope.

Those were all on you instead.

You didn't know exactly what switch was flipped in her head, but you did know that you loved her.

So the two of you lived happily together.

Save for the occasional Avenger call.

Scarlet Witch:

You woke up.

Wanda couldn't believe it, but you woke up. She immediately cried tears of joy at your recovery.

It took a while, but you did eventually get your full strength back with Wanda's help and support.

She insisted on temporarily moving in with you to keep a close eye on you, but that turned to a permanent residence.

Not that you were complaining.

Although, you did worry about the situation when you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Your eye was changing.

Your time was starting to run out.


You did it. You finally did it.

You found a way out of your forced engagement. You and your friends found the Inhumans by chance after they came down to help against an invasion. When they found you, Medusa, your mother, asked about your progress.

You simply told her to, kindly, fuck off.

This earned a shocked expression from all present.

You told them that you rejected your royal lineage and that if they had a problem with it.....

Y/N: Fight me. Bitch.

And, of course, your friends had your back. While the others were angered, Black Bolt was the one to walk to you.

He placed his hand on your shoulder and accepted your decision.

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