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We got to the city and walked around, the town looked so lovely. The author had really done well when it came to the scenery for this story. I looked around in awe of just how bright and beautiful everything was. The people were all smiling widely because of the festival that was being held. It was only gonna last one week but that would be enough for me to find a opening and sneak away. I looked around and saw a big dress shop by the right with several people around it. That would be the perfect way for me to escape, I smiled to myself having found a opening and got myself into character.

"Ah! What a beautiful boutique I just have to buy all their dresses! The ones on display look splendid." I said as I ran towards to the shop. Dagen followed behind but was struggling to keep up thanks to all the people around us swarming him. "Lady Vladenburg wait!" I ignored his voice and merged myself with the crowd and but on a brown hood I'd been hiding from him. Anna had snuck it too me before we took the carriage here.

It was a good idea to go with a dress that has more neutral colors, I had really blended with the crowd. 'He'll have a hard time finding me. Good job me.'

I snuck to a alleyway where there weren't many people and looked around to make sure I had gotten far away from Dagen. I breathed out and tried to remember where the Serperters guild was. They had described in the book it's whereabouts once when it went into detail about the world, so they had to mention the most impactful guild in this story. I was pretty sure that Elliot had actually gone to this guild once when he needed something.

The Serperters guild may have looked like a normal guild until you got to know about it's master, Malfas Gallious. If you needed to find something lost then he'd be the perfect man for it, only problem was that he never showed himself to his clients unless it was a rare situation. He was a callous and cunning man who was impossible to get close to however he had one big opening that I could exploit. His love for money. Last time in the book when Elliot needed help from him he brought all his fortunes and got to meet Malfas which is why I brought so much money.

I didn't exactly remember how much money was needed to entrance him so I had to bring more than enough to make sure this would go well. I looked around, trying to go the way I remembered Elliot going and soon enough I was in front of the guild.

I looked around again, looking at any civilian near here to make sure none of them was one of Elliot's knights, specifically Dagen. Once it looked like the case was clear I put my hand on the wooden door and pushed it. When I went inside, the guild looked pretty empty with a few grown men lying around drunk on the floor and table. This guild had disguised itself as a tavern and the actual guild was in the second floor. I dragged my feet across the sticky floor to the brown haired bartender, she was a small woman who looked friendly. "What would you like?" She asked with a smile while cleaning a glass mug with a towel.

'Oh right..'

To get to the guild I'd have to answer a code, if I got this wrong I wouldn't be able to meet him. I thought hard so I could remember what Elliot said.

"Lilian rose colored chocolate cake, made by the heavens and none other."

The woman made a small reaction to what I said and then smiled. "Follow me." She said as she put the glass mug down. We walked up the cramped small stairs and soon enough she took me to a room. She gestured for me to sit down and she sat down in front of me after. "So what have you come here for?"

"I want to see the guild master."

"..Ma'am I don't think I've seen you around here before so you probably don't know but my master doesn't show himself in front of any-"

"I need to see him."

She looked at me in silence and I looked back at her with confidence, not breaking eye contact.

"I've brought with me one hundred gold coins, let me see him and I'll give them to him."






Was listening to Mitski while writing this lmao

Decided to try out her music<3

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