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I layed in my bed and and heard a knock. My eyes fluttered open, I could see the sun peek through the curtains. It seemed to be morning, I must have fallen asleep. The knocking started again. "Come in."

Anna opened the door slowly and went in. "Are you alright? You seemed to be quite ill yesterday."

I let out a big yawn. "Yes I'm alright. Where's Itri?"

"He's sleeping right beside you. He tucked himself under the bed sheets. Should I wake him?"

"No it's alright, he'll probably get startled if you do it." I said with a chuckle. Anna nodded and closed the door since it was slightly open.

I lifted the sheets which made Itri squirm a bit, I patted his head and spoke softly as to not scare him. "It's time to wake up, aren't you hungry?" I asked with a smile. Itri nodded sheepishly. I chuckled at his adorble face and patted him once more. I got up of the bed as I held Itri to help help him get of to. He sat at the edge as I stood.

"Oh right, today is an important day." Anna said.

"Why is that?"

"Well today you and Elliot are gonna attend the princess' ball."

"At what time?"


"Well I've got some time to rest, I'll spend the day with Itri."

'The princess' ball..'

'I feel like I've heard of this before.'

'No, more important matters.. What am I gonna do with Elliot?'

Even though I didn't want it the day went by fast, it was already time for me and Elliot to leave even though I didn't want to. The air felt cold around us, neither uttered a word. It wasn't the same silence as before where we enjoyed each other's company, this one was dreadful, one I just wanted to end already.

The silent ride came to a stop and it was time to go out. Elliot stepped out before me and reached out his hand for me to hold. I took it. But before I could hold onto it any longer he let go.

'This is for the best. There's already someone he's fated to be with. So it's alright. It's alright.'

We went in and was hit by radiance, it was all so bright and beautiful but I couldn't appreciate it. Something felt wrong. I went to get something to eat, maybe I was just hungry.

I tried to stuff myself with food but the appetite just wasn't there. I looked around but he was no where to be found. Elliot was most likely somewhere far, talking about business with the other men.

"Looking for someone?"

I nearly choked, that caught me off guard. "N- No."

The person chuckled and I turned to see who it was only to see Ellanor, the friend I made in the last ball I attended.

"Oh! Lady Ellanor are things going well with the orphanage?"

"It's going splendid, you won't need to worry."

"Thank goodness." I said with a sheepish smile.

"You don't seem to have as much of a appetite this time." She said as she observed my plate.

"Y- Yeah, I'm just not feeling well."

"I hope you get well soon!"

"It's not that serious." I said with a chuckle.

"Hey, Lady Ellanor.."


"If you had someone you wanted to be with but knew he was fated to be with someone else what would you do?"

Ellanor looked at me for a moment, not saying anything.

"I'd leave him. I'm not making a fool of myself for a man." She scoffed.

"What? Really?"

"Not the answer you expected eh?" She said with a smile.

"No I just.." I chuckled awkwardly.

"Well, if I felt he was truly worth it then I'd fight for him, who cares if he's fated for someone else, I love him and I'm not gonna give him up just because of something like fate. If it's for him then I'd gladly make a fool out of myself, I wouldn't regret it, that is how I got with my husband after all. I'm glad I didn't give him up." She said as she smiled warmly at me.

I watched the way her eyes twinkled, I could see the love in her eyes.

"So, do you think he's worth fighting for?" She asked.

I bit my lower lip and placed my plate on the table.

"I'm sorry but I've got something to attend to."

Ellanor laughed at my nervousnes and waved me goodbye.

I walked and walked, looking at every corner but still couldn't see him.

I went outside to the small pond and saw a figure close by. It was Elliot.

I was gonna call out to him but my voice got stuck in my throat after what I saw. A woman with jewel like eyes, long chestnut brown hair and olive skin, laughing and smiling comfortably while talking to Elliot. Emma Fernsby.

'This is the ball where the two main leads finally meet and fall in love.'

'And I Rosaline Vladenburg gets cast away.'

I Reincarnated As The Villainess✓Where stories live. Discover now