Chapter 14

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Alison was eagerly walking toward the parking lot, dragging Jess and Ayda with herself. She had called Rich and had asked his permission (much to her annoyance) to go out with her friends after school. Rich had agreed but asked her to be home before 7. So now Alison was running to the parking lot to meet her friends who had told her that they will come to pick her up.

Once there, her eyes scanned the area. "Are they here?" asked Ayda. Just then an old pickup truck with chipped paint came inside of the parking lot and Alison squealed happily. The sight of a hundred limousines would not make her happy the amount seeing that old truck did. "They are here." she said and clapped her hands. She quickly kissed Jess and Ayda and said goodbye before running toward the car.

She hopped in and immediately was crushed in Ashley's bear hug. "God, I have missed you." said Ashley happily. Alison hugged her back tightly. "I have missed you too, Ash." she said, her voice muffled by Ashley's shoulder.

"Okay, girls." chirped Logan. "Enough of girly stuff."

Alison released Ashley and hugged him from this neck and kissed his cheek. "I know you missed me too, L." she said playfully. "Don't fool yourself."

"yeah, yeah, whatever you say." said Logan sounding annoyed but he kissed her cheek fondly nonetheless.

"Where is my hug?" whined Ed from the passenger seat. Alison hugged his neck tightly too. "no one knows but you are child, my dear." she said and everyone laughed.

"Okay, guys. Let's get out of this parking lot. I'm afraid my poor car gets depressed here, between this many luxurious cars." he said sarcastically and drove out of the gates. "Where to??" he asked once they were on the road.

"Owl dinner." yelled Ashley and Alison. "I have missed their burgers and I'm starving" said Alison and rubbed her hands together and everyone laughed at her enthusiasm. 


"Wow girl, you are living in a castle." whistled Logan as he drove inside of King property right at 7 P.M. "Here is so big."

"Yeah, big, but hilariously suffocating," grumbled Alison not wanting to leave her friends so soon. Only when she was with them again, she find out how much she needed them. They had made a great day for her, making sure to make her laugh and forget her problems for a few hours.

"Are they two of your brothers?" asked Ed and Alison looked at the mansion in front and saw Mason and Ben standing at the front door watching the car approaching, both wearing black suits. "The one on the left is Mason." she explained. "The one on the right is Ben. He is a family friend."

"They look intimidating." said Ashley and shivered. Once they stopped in front of the house, Ed turned to Alison. "Al, If they did anything to hurt you even a bit, you should tell us. Okay?" he said both serious and concerned.

Alison looked at his blue eyes. She had not told them about what Xander had told her two nights ago. She knew how much they would be angry but she also knew they would not be able to do anything and that would hurt them. "Okay, Ed." she said with a reassuring smile. She then bent forward and kissed his cheek and Logan's and after hugging Ashley for the last time, she got out and watched them drive away. Suddenly she felt sad like they took a part of her with themselves. She wanted nothing other than to leave with them and never go back to that house. "Okay, Alison Harris." she whispered to herself. "The little twins plus Hunter need you. Be tough."

She then turned around and faced the two frowning men who were not even a bit satisfied with her way of showing affection to her male friends.

"Hi!" she smiled and waved for them as she walked up the stairs. 

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