chapter five

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chapter five ~ phase two

Markella stood near Xena as they watched Leah patrol the area, her lithe wolf form bounding through the trees with practiced ease.

"She looks so much like my mother," Markella said wistfully, remembering the graceful features and kind eyes of the woman who had raised her.

Xena nodded in agreement, seeing the resemblance between Leah and Markella's late mother. "Yes, she does," Xena replied.

"She doesn't like it here, maybe we can take her with us," Markella told Xena, hope tingeing her words.

She had taken an instant liking to Leah, seeing in her a kindred spirit, and wished to free the shape-shifter from the restrictive reservation life.

Xena frowned slightly, sensing the danger in Markella's growing attachment. She knew their impending confrontation with the Volturi would be perilous, and worried that Markella's fondness for Leah could jeopardize everything once the battle commenced.

"Leah would never leave Forks," Bella interjected, having overheard their conversation.

"If we give her the one thing she desires the most, she will," Xena countered, a sly smile crossing her face.

"And you know what Leah desires the most?" Bella asked Xena skeptically.

"Yes, I do. I know what everyone desires," Xena answered mysteriously.

Bella gasped as understanding dawned - Xena had multiple supernatural gifts. As everyone emerged from the house to question Xena, Edward asked incredulously "How is that possible?".

"There were rumors about me during my human days. That I was a daughter of a God," Xena revealed.

"Maybe it's true after you were the warrior princess of Amphipolis," Markella said with an amused laugh, watching as everyone was fascinated by this new revelation about her dear friend.

Vladimir stepped forward, his face alight with amazement as he realized he was standing before the legendary Xena, warrior princess of Amphipolis.

He was genuinely impressed. "You are the Xena that was with Julius Caesar," Vladimir said, smiling.

Edward read Vladimir's thoughts and saw that he was awestruck by Xena's reputation as a fearsome fighter who had traveled the ancient world honing her skills over many years.

"Fascinating," Edward murmured, his eyes fixed on Xena.

Xena frowned, sighing as the memories surfaced once more for all to see. She recalled her days as a young girl held hostage for ransom when she first encountered Julius Caesar, an ambitious Roman nobleman and military commander.

They had a passionate love affair and conspired to join forces, but Caesar's betrayal ran deep. He had Xena brutally beaten and crucified on a beach, legs broken, left to die of exposure - yet she was saved by M'Lila, an Egyptian slave girl who befriended Xena and taught her pressure points.

M'Lila brought Xena to a healer to treat her injuries, but before she could fully recover, Roman soldiers burst in, attempting to kill Xena. M'Lila sacrificed herself, taking a crossbow bolt meant for Xena and dying in her arms.

This tragedy fueled Xena's rage and desire for vengeance. Despite her wounds, she slaughtered the soldiers, sparing just one to send word to Caesar that a ruthless new Xena was born that night. Though she never killed Caesar herself, his eventual downfall brought some solace.

Xena's epic history showed she was a force to be reckoned with, giving hope that she could help them survive the impending confrontation with the Volturi. Her rich past inspired awe in those gathered around her.

Rosalie cleared her throat and addressed Markella directly, her tone earnest yet tinged with suspicion.

"You know we're finding out so much about Xena but Markella, you haven't shared a thing with us. It's making it hard to trust you," Rosalie said, her gaze fixed intently on Markella.

Markella responded with an angry hiss, baring her teeth, but Xena quickly moved to calm her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Markella, it's okay. I'll share your story with them," Xena said soothingly, knowing how reluctant Markella was to revisit her painful past.

"I'll leave," Markella declared abruptly, gesturing with her hand to flick open the glass door through an astonishing display of telekinesis.

The others gasped in shock. "She has the gift of telekinesis!" Eleazar exclaimed.

Markella's telekinetic power had manifested early on through channeling her ability through her eyes, but over time she had learned to direct it through her hands as well, making her an extremely formidable fighter, much like her mentor Xena.

"I met Markella in 1780," Xena began solemnly, her memories projecting visible scenes before the group as she told Markella's tragic tale.

"She was Chimakum, known to themselves as Aqokúlo, part of a Native American tribe that lived on the Olympic Peninsula until they were virtually wiped out in 1902," Xena said.

When they first crossed paths, Markella was just a young Native girl living near Port Townsend Bay.

She and her sister Lila had been kidnapped along with other girls to be sold into slavery until Xena intervened and rescued them.

Awestruck by Xena's fighting prowess, Markella became determined to become a warrior herself, also seeking to avoid the marriage her parents had arranged to her childhood friend.

Despite Xena's initial reluctance, Markella insisted on accompanying her on the road, and the two women soon forged a powerful bond. Under Xena's guidance, Markella blossomed into a formidable fighter, more than equal to any foe. But tragedy struck when Markella was forcibly impregnated by a vampire.

Xena was distraught, knowing the odds of a human surviving and giving birth to a vampire's offspring were minuscule. She urged Markella to terminate the pregnancy, but Markella refused.

As the pregnancy advanced, Markella's health rapidly deteriorated. Realizing the fetus craved blood, Xena began supplying Markella with human blood from hospitals, which restored her strength.

The half-vampire fetus grew at an alarming pace, and when Markella went into sudden labor, Xena cut the baby out in an agonizing procedure that left Markella unconscious. Miraculously, the baby - a daughter Markella named Hope - was born healthy. Seeking to save Markella's life, Xena injected her venom to begin Markella's transformation into a vampire.

Markella's story resonated deeply with Bella, who had undergone a similar transformation. When Markella finally awoke from the excruciating process, her eyes glowed blood-red with newborn vampire thirst.

With Xena's guidance, she learned to control her urge for human blood. Markella was introduced to her rapidly grown daughter Hope, but tragedy struck again when months later, Hope killed a town of people in retaliation for her lover's murder. Consumed by grief and rage, Markella killed her own daughter.

It was a heartbreaking story that explained Markella's lingering pain and reluctance to open up to the others.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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