Chapter 15

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Scarlett p.o.v


am awoken by the morning sickness once again so I had to rush to the bathroom and empty my guts once more, which also wakes mum up as she cokes in after me to hold my hair back. After I brush my teeth and take a quick shower then I get dressed while mum goes to her office to tend to her duties as the doctor, I have managed to open a mind link with her in case of any dangers. Once I am ready I head down to breakfast I take my seat at the table the girls are still upset from yesterday as no one talks but I see that Brooke isn't here yet I go to ask if one of us should go get her and see if she's ok, however before I can even open my mouth Brooke stomps in I can tell she mad by her body language as she takes her chair.

Soon after Fabian comes into the room and you could cut the tension in the room with a knife, the food is served for myself, Elise and Blair while the others get blood bags and who knows what Fabian is eating. While we are eating Fabian gives us the orders for today to make things worse he wants Brooke in the "play room" today I am not actually surprised as to what her answer is.

Brooke - I would rather bathe in a pool of fire there allow myself to let you put yourself inside me again, you narcissistic backstabbing wanker!!

Fabian looks at her unimpressed with what she just said as he puts down his silverware and says with no remorse whatsoever.

Fabian - Brooke you are my second Mistress why wouldn't you want to feel me inside you? If this is about what happened to Candace there is no need to be angry about it.

Brooke quick stands up from my seat causing it to fly backwards as she slams her hands into the table causing Elise and Blair to flinch and they are right too, when vampires are mad they can be unpredictable and unpleasant to be around but vampiress are the worst for their temper, knowing full well how bad it can get I stand from my chair and stand back the others do the same. I notice that Elise and Blair are shivering with fear I don't think they have seen an angry vampiress before.

Brooke - you killed my fucking sister and you expect me to open my legs to you?!

Even Lacey and Kelly have stepped away from the table along with Camille who looks shocked that Brooke would even speak to anyone like that but then again they meant to acting, Fabian stands up and looks Brooke right in the eyes.

Fabian - watch how you talk to me, Brooke.

Brooke - what else can you do to me? You already took away my family and killed my sister, not to mention all the spells you have put on me, on all of us.

He seems shocked but quickly recovers from it like he is thinking how did she know that?

Fabian - why is all this hostility coming from Brooke? I've always made sure you girls have everything you need and that you were happy.

Brooke - I wouldn't call forcing Elise to give her virginity to you, giving Camille a love potion so she would leave her beloved husband to be with you, me, Candace, Lacey and Kelly have never found our beloveds cuz you brought us here yeah Lacey and Kelly were lucky to have found each other but what about the rest of us?! And just look at Scarlett, she's the Luna Queen of the werewolves you took her from her family and pack. I bet you haven't even told her the truth, have you?!

She then looks at me with regret like she's been holding something back from us.

Brooke - Scarlett there is something you should know, the day of the battle.....

Fabian cuts her off by slamming his fists into the table I wonder what she was gonna say.

Fabian - that's enough Brooke, girls all of you to your rooms and stay there until I say you can come out, NOW!!!!!

Feeling his angry growing I grab Elise and Blair and rush out of the room with the others behind us, we can hear him giving off an angry scream as we run up the stairs to our room as I close my door I heard it suddenly lock behind me I try to open it but it won't budge then I realise that Fabian has used his magic to lock us in. He must be really mad with what was said I guess Brooke couldn't hold it in any longer but now what's going to happen to her or us for that matter? And what was she gonna say before Fabian cut her off like that?

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