Chapter 20

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Blake p.o.v

We were still standing outside the room when a surprise came around the corner I couldn't believe my eyes either could Ryan.

Ryan - mum?

Sara - my son.

Ryan embraces his mother none of us have seen or heard from her since Silver was killed so this is where she has been, the moment is interrupted by more of Fabians screams so the girls we met earlier show us the way down to the living room where Sara fills us in on what's been happening here. While we wait for the tribrids to come down I look to Scarlett but I notice something...her belly looks a bit bigger than the last time I saw her it's probably nothing. Sara then comes over to do a check-up on Scarlett I get everyone to stand outside for a few minutes while the examination is being done but I am not leaving her side.

Blake - how is she, Sara? How is my Queen?

Sara - I don't see any major injuries apart from she will have some bruising around her wrists, ankles and inside her vagina from when he forced himself inside her...

I hear titan growl in my head he wants to go back up there and rip him apart I want that too but I don't want to let Scarlett out of my arms again, Sara then days something I never expected.

Sara - the baby is doing ok.....

Blake - wait what did you just say?

She looks at me and goes to say something but gets cut off by a sweet voice which causes me to look down.

Scarlett - I am pregnant Blake your gonna be a dad again.


Scarlett p.o.v

I am not sure what made me pass out but when I heard Blake's voice I thought I was dreaming, there I felt the sparks it felt like when we first met. The last thing I remember was Fabian forcing himself inside me I suddenly felt weak even Savannah has no idea why. When I opened my eyes I found myself in the living room, in Blake's arms mum was telling him that our baby was ok which confused him...oh he's so cute when he's confused.

Scarlett - I am pregnant Blake your gonna be a dad again.

At first, he looks like he doesn't understand god men can be stupid at times even my mum rolls her eyes.

Scarlett - I was 3 weeks when I was taken it's your pup.

He looks down at me and smiles putting his hand on my bump I slowly sit up.

Scarlett - are you happy?

I am actually worried now he's not saying anything...but that soon changes as he hugs me tight.

Blake - of course, I am my queen another baby, more love for our pack.

He kisses me on the lips I let out a soft moan but remember that mum is in the room still then another voice comes in the room.

Ryan - Sis!!

I look to the door to see my brother who comes rushing over to me and takes me in a big bear hug as I stand up which causes Blake to growl.

Ryan - Blake really?! She is my sister.

Scarlett - that's not why he's growling Ry.

Ryan - then why is he......wait scar why do your sides look so...

Scarlett - you dare call me fat I will put you on your ass!!

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