Chapter 11: What A Rude Boy

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I open my eyes, not feeling excited for the day. 'I can't believe I'm gonna spend the whole day with Malcolm' I think with a sigh.

"You awake little one?" I hear Domenic ask, slightly opening the door.

"Morning" I say, getting out of bed.

"Good morning, i just came up to tell you that you'll be leaving with Malcolm right after breakfast" He informes.

"That's so early. By the way, you wouldn't happen to know where he's gonna take me, do you?" I nervously ask.

"No idea" He says with a sorry smile. He leaves the room for me to make myself ready for the day. I look at myself in the mirror and wonder how I've survived this long with my bruises.

"Shit" I mumble under my breath as I see the bruises on my ribs and stomach have gotten worse. It's only been 3 days since I've gotten here and I haven't been able to sleep because of the pain.

I need to find some painkillers soon, maybe tonight after I've dealt with Malcolm for the day. I walk downstairs to see all my brothers already sitting at the dining table. 'Oh no, Malcolm seems to be in a bad mood today, ok he's always in a bad mood but today seems a bit worse'.

"Good morning" I quietly say, hoping everyone heard.

"Morning" Isaiah energetically says as Ezekiel and Domenic give me a nod. Malcolm only stares at me while Zane pretends to not even hear me. 'You know what, I don't care how rude these boys are. I'm gonna be super nice to them and teach them how to behave'.

Oh the nice tactic I've used so many times in the past. It's a tactic where I'm super nice to the person being rude. Believe it or not, I actually turned a bully to my best friend by saying

"Hi bestie" to her and it only took 42 days for her to change and become friends with me. I guess you can't fight fire with fire but instead try to put it out with your own positivity.

"I am so excited to spend the day with my lovely brother Malcolm today" I say out of nowhere, making everyone stop eating and stare at me weirdly. Domenic even dropped his fork.

"What the fuck" Malcolm angrily says. 'Oh no! He thinks I'm fooling around. I know I'm a bad actor but did I really sound that sarcastic?'.

"You're getting comfortable real fast, little girl" He says with narrowed eyes. "What was that about?" Isaiah asks, whispering beside me.

"Just wanted to be positive bro" I say as he smiles.

"Aw you called me bro" He says, forgetting the main topic here.

"Calm down Malcolm" Domenic warns as i look to see Malcolm glaring at me.

"Let's get this over with" He says as he stands up.

"What are you waiting for? let's go" He says, looking back to see that i haven't moved from my seat.

"Oh right, coming" I say stressed as I stand up.

"Sit in the back" He simply says, just as I was about to open the door to the front seat.

"But why?" I ask, kinda hurt.

"It's the rules what can i say" He says, starting the car.

"Rules?" I ask confused.

"You didn't know? You need to be at least 4'7 to sit in the front seat.

"I'm 4'10!" I say, clearly offended.

"Well you know, safety is my number one priority litle girl" He sarcastically says with a smirk as he drives away with speed, not very safely at all. He starts the radio, putting on loud rap music making me cover my ears from the loud sound.

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