Chapter 15: Just A Peek

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"We're home" Zane says as we walk into the mansion.

"Hi Zane" a girl says, coming out of nowhere. She looks similar to the girl from the boxing club who was being rude to me. Tons of makeup and thick lips that are obviously fake.

'What's with all these girls?' I think, as a part of me knows, that it's not gonna be the last time I have to deal with this.

"Who are you again?" Zane rudely asks. 'Does my brother always talk to girls like that? because if so, how do they all seem so interested in him all the time?' I think as i get a bad feeling about this girl.

"I'm from school, I've been sitting at your table for 2 years but I understand if you didn't recognize me. I did get a haircut before coming here after al" She says while showing off her hair while Zane looks like he's still not remembering her.

"Why are you here and who let you in?" He rudely asks.

"I'm here because of Domenic. He's my boyfriend so why wouldn't I be with him?" My jaw drops at her statement. There's no way my most caring and nice brother would be dating this girl.

"Isn't he with Tiffany already?" My brother asks, not sounding surprised.

"No, They broke up last week and now he's with me" She happily says like it's the biggest accomplishment ever. Suddenly her gaze turns to me and her eyes scan me up and down.

"Who the hell is this girl?" She asks with sass. 'What the hell did I do to you lady?' I think as I knew this was coming.

"I live here" I say, interrupting Zane who was just about to answer.

"Live here!? There's no way a poor looking girl like you can live with the Romano brothers" She argues, sounding pissed. Zane puts his hands on my ears, making me look up at his face confused.


"Zane! watch your language around her, she's only 13" Domenic says, appearing from another room.

"It's fine she didn't hear" He says as Domenic notices me and smiles.

"Hi baby, hope the day's been good so far" He says with a smile.

"It started a little rocky but ended better than expected" I admit as I hear another voice talking at the same time.

"Boring without you, thanks for asking babe" The girl answers at the same time as me. I look at her with narrowed eyes trying to stand my ground. She looks back at me the same, trying to challenge me. 'I've spent the week with the scariest people ever and she thinks she can scare me now huh?'

Domenic looks at her a bit annoyed that she thought he was talking to her while Zane's giving her the same stare I'm giving but much more effective in the scary looking part.

"Anyways, I'm so glad you guys were able to strengthen your relationship as siblings" He says, ignoring his girlfriend.

"Siblings!? this girl's your sister?" She asks surprised.

"I sure am" I proudly say as both my brothers look at me with pride.

"Dom, you should've told me sooner," She complains.

"Dom?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"It's his nickname, dummy." Zane says, rolling his eyes.

"Oh cool" I say as Domenic chuckles. 

"Your nickname sure does fit you baby, in more ways than one.." She says while looking at my brother seductively. Zane snorts at the comment as Domenic smirks at the girl.

"Really? what ways?" I ask, clueless. Domenic's eyes soften towards me.

"Nothing baby she doesn't know what she's talking about" He says as his girlfriend looks at me annoyed that i ruined her moment.

"Good thing you don't know kid cuz otherwise you'd be in trouble" Zane says, relieved.

"You guys are weird" I coment, giving up on even understanding them at this point.

"Where's the others?" Zane asks with a blank face.

"Ezekiel's in a meeting and Isaiah's out with a girl" Domenic answers as Zane starts walking away.

"I'm done baby sitting for today. You look after her now" He says while walking. 'And I really thought we were getting closer, guess he's back to himself again' I think, as I know deep down that he did change. Even if it was only a little bit.

"Uh but babe i wanna cuddle with you" The girl who i still don't know the name of says, getting closer to my second oldest brother. Before Domenic has a chance to answer her I interrupt him by speaking first.

"I'm really tired from today, probably just gonna go and chill a bit for myself so you don't need to look after me or anything. I'm not a baby you know so just pretend like i'm not here" I say, starting to walk towards the stairs.

"You sure? We could watch a movie together if you want. I'm sure Allison wouldn't mind ether" He says, giving the girl named Allison a look.

"No thanks but you guys have fun with... whatever you guys like doing" I say, still walking.

"By the way.." Domenic starts, making me stop walking.

"You're always gonna be a baby" He teases with a smile as Allison looks like she wants to kill me. I roll my eyes at his comment as I make my way towards my room. As I'm on the second floor, I notice another staircase leading up to the third floor.

'Didn't Ezekiel say I wasn't allowed up there because of their work? Wonder what they do for living' I think as I feel my curiosity growing by the second.

"I'll just have a little peek" I mumble to myself as I remember Domenic saying that Ezekiel's in a meeting.

I slowly take one step at the time as I notice there isn't as much light coming from there as down here. I finally make it up to the third floor as I wander around the dark creepy looking halls trying to look for anything suspicious.

I stop at a door with a metal sign. There's a text written on the sign that says 'DON', 'What the heck is a Don?' I wonder as I stand staring at it. I snap out of my thoughts as I hear voices coming from the room. I put my ear to the door to listen, internally panicking as I heard Ezekiel speak.

'I'm so stupid. I should've known he has his meetings in his own house. Why else would he need a whole floor for their work' I think as i mentaly curse myself.

"Please I beg you, i just need more time" I hear another voice beg with fear.

"I gave you more than enough and now you need to pay" My oldest brother says with the coldest tone i've ever heard him use.

'And I thought he couldn't get scarier'. "But sir I don't-" The scared man starts, getting interrupted by my brother.

"If you don't have it then you'll have to pay with your life" Ezekiel harshly says without a single trace of empathy in it.

'With his life? What kind of metaphor is that?' I think as I'm too naive to suspect that he in fact meant it literally.

"No please i'll do anything but please don't-"

"Stop squealing you pig" My brother says, obviously annoyed at the man's begging.

"I'll give you another month but if you don't pay what you owe me then you're done" Ezekiel starts but continues before the man can respond.

"And you'll be giving me double the amount for the trouble you've caused" He continues with a stern voice.

"Double? b-but that's- Okay! i'll do it but please just put it down" The man says, changing his mind mid sentence for some reason.

"Now get this man out of my house before my sister returns" Ezekiel commands to what I assume is another man working with my brother. 'Oh shit I need to get out of here'.

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