Chapter 7

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???'s POV

I never imagined that Leyla would run away. I guess that on me. I have to find her and bring her home safe and sound. I hope nothing bad happen to her. If it did.. and if they find me there and they will especially Winger will think I hurt her.

It was an accident and worng for me to attack her I don't know why I did. I was just angry and trying to protect her but I guess it wasn't protecting, I made thing worse...

We already lost three girls. One from poison. Second from well. I have no idea. Last one she died being sick. I hope the second one is still alive out there somewhere. Winger already lost two girls. I hope he doesn't think she lost the second one.

End of POV.

One he got to the cave to take few minutes break. He soon noticed the hole. He wonder why it there so he went to take a look to see what in the hole.

???: Leyla?

Leyla's Dream POV

Leyla stood there, she see Winger and other female dragon. They both are holding two girls at same age.

Leyla: what are you doing?

She said herself.

Winger: we can take it switch and nobody will know about this even Dak...

Winger's sister: you sure, you know we can faked this to them... and none of this would happen.

Winger: just take Leyla alright...she's nothing Jennie...

Jennie: ( gasp softly ) a-alright fine...

She said sadly and they switch the baby. One of them is fake and other one is real, Leyla.

When Jennie left with Leyla. Winger soon took off to his nest.

Leyla soon sighs sadly and couldn't believe it but also wonder why she still with Winger and others. When the time skip fast foward. She see a baby Leyla being taken away. Jennie left her behind and can see baby Leyla crying. As moments later Winger came back and took baby Leyla away from big dragon.

Winger: ( socff ) there you are... sorry i have to send you away... but not this time... let's go back to our family...

As he took the baby from the cave and left. Big dragon did notice and roar as it going after Winger but he flew fast he could.

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