Chapter 8

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Speedy just got back to the cave collecting foods and water. He put things near the wall of rocks. He check to make sure that Leyla is breathing. He is concerned that Leyla not waking up. He soon lay and put his head on Leyla's stomach and wine little as he wish that she would wake up any time soon. She been out for while when it soon close to morning.

Speedy soon leave the cave and went Winger to talk.once they met. Winger wasn't happy to see Speedy.

Winger: what are you doing here Speedy?

Speedy; I came here to talk Wing... I'm going to give you a deal...

Winger: what deal...?

Speedy: where we made that promise long ago...

As rescue riders came and others in Huttsgalor.

Dak: oh no, please don't fight all over again...

As he knows what will happen next.

Winger: your not taking Leyla... beside she ran away and we don't know where she is...

Speedy:...( sighs ) well, guess what... I have her now. She not even waking up... so, I got Leyla... if you want switch... simple, give Leyla to the dragon whee she supposed to belong, isn't that what you planned?

Dak: what no he wouldn't do that...

Speedy: well he did then take her back... so you have three choices. It either keep Leyla, give Leyla to a dragon, or.... Take the dragon diary to me... if you did, you can have Leyla back...

Winger and Dak look at eachother with concern look.

Dak:... that's her book from mom...


As they look at Speedy.

Duggard: uh, guys what happening?

Speedy: tick, tock... time is waiting favorite son.. ( socff )

Grumplegard: give his sister back kid!

As he can't handle it.

Speedy: oh I won't till Winger made choice or Leyla is gone long gone...

As he smirk. He loves his family and didn't want to take Leyla away but he had no choice by his order to do.

Winger: you and I meet over the hill alone. Bring Leyla, I will bring the diary. See you in hour...

He smirk and soon left as Winger was angry that he has Leyla.

Back at roost. Duggard, Marena, dragons, and rescue riders there even Winger's mom.

Duggard: I wasn't expecting for this to happen also took Leyla...

Dak: we all are surprise about it.. I wish Jennie is here, she would know what to do and will do anything to bring Leyla back...

Winger: guys..

As he showed up.

Winger: I can't find the book, Leyla must have had it with her...

Dak: well then, we're screwed.

Winger: I'm going alone ok..

Dak and others nodded as Winger left to hill.

At the cave, Speedy was already there. Leyla soon wake up as Speedy noticed. He turn to her and walk to her as she soon back up little and rub her eyes. Her head felt little pain after she fell into the hole.

Leyla: Speedy?

Speedy: ah, good your awake... don't worry, Winger is coming but I made a deal... I don't think there is chance you might be with them...

Leyla: what do you want from me?

Speedy:mm, your book...

She soon look at her bag as her hand soon place in her bag. And she look at him. She dosent look happy.

Leyla: look, I love you a lot... but not like this... this isn't what mom and dad wanted. This isn't what I wanted.

Speedy: this isn't about what anyone want... this is what I want... all I need is your book...

Leyla: why do you care so much...?

Speedy: this is what I want to be...beside you never know... also hop on, your brother is waiting. We made a deal...

Leyla sighs and got on and went to the hill.

Once Winger and Speedy there, even Leyla.

Winger: Leyla, I'm sorry but...

As she look at him.

Winger: give the book to him...

Speedy: the deal with Leyla?

Winger: she staying with me, she aren't goin anywhere...

Speedy: ( grunts ) fair enough...

Winger: Leyla.

He nodded as Leyla soon pull out her diary dragon book and gave to Speedy and let her to go with Winger.

Speedy soon leave so did Winger and Leyla as they got to the roost.

Winger: hey you ok?

Leyla: yea.. he didn't know I gave him the fake book.

Winger soon smirk and rise his eyes.

Winger: ( sighs ) still the same.... How's your head?

Leyla: little pain... sorry I yelled and ran away...

Winger: it's ok... can you tell me what that about?

Leyla: to be honest, I have no idea, my dream was so think he would come back?

Winger: I don't think he will... now you came back, your safe.

She smile and hug him as rescue riders soon join in even Winger's mom.

Leyla: I miss dad.

Winger: we do Ley...

The end.

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