Chapter 14

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"So, long story short, I know some body who can fake records from the day you were born as well as IDs." I looked at her. "Before I met you at our old job, I did stuff I wasn't fond of and he helped me out by making me several records of myself as a different woman every time. He told me that if anything were to ever happen again, to call him." "So we can get him new records so he can work?" She nodded and we looked at him. Michael was confused. "You're getting a new life Michael." I smiled. Kate called her friend and he came over. "(y/n), this is Noah." Kate introduced us. "Hi, cutie." "Hi, but I do-" I got cut off by Michael pulling me to him and grunting angrily. "Oh, I didn't know you had a boyfriend. I wouldn't have said that if I did." He looked at us then Kate. "You'll be creating a new record for him. That's Michael Myers." Noah's eyes widened. "You mean the Mi-" "Yes, but I really need you to do this for me. I want him to be able to help with bills and such. I don't want him killing people for money." "I can't change faces. If his face was seen by anyone he left alive or at Smiths Grove, people might know what he looks like now." They looked at Michael and he shrugged.

"Has anyone seen your face now Michael? Besides us." Michael thought for a minute. "I...Don't think..So." "Totally helps. He's not going to kill me is he?" Noah looked at us. "I don't know. He might." I said sarcastically and smiled. "Don't listen to him. I'm still alive, even after accidently finding out who he is. Now then, lets get to work." Noah nodded and we sat at the table. "So, I'm able to erase records and recrate them. I can give you a new identity as if you were born with it. I can give you fake parents, family, even a wife and kids. I can have them die for any reason to make your 'life' seem more realistic since disasters happen everyday. Regardless of what I put down, you have to go along with that story, especially when asked since hospitals and work places will have access to your records." Michael nodded. "How can you make his birth record go away? Even though we wont be using his real name, wont it be suspicious? Especially to Haddonfield?" I asked and Noah thought about it. "Hmm, true. It would be better to rewrite records for him from scratch. Alright, I'll get started."

While Noah did that, we decided to play cards in the living room. It took about four hours, but Noah came in with a few papers. "You can read right?" Michael nodded and Noah handed him the papers. "This is your new life. Your name, birthday, parents names, where you were born, when and how they died, as well as your wife, when and how she died." "No kids?" Kate asked him. "He doesn't seem like the children type. If he wants, he can say they planned for kids but that happened." "When you want kids, but she says fuck life and drivers her car off a bridge." "(y/n)! You're wrong for that!" Kate yelled and we laughed at it. "You have a birth record in Ohio. You're a far way from home. Anyways, before you attempt a job, learn your life." "What do I owe you?" Kate asked Noah. "Me not dying is enough. Oh, yeah. You two ever get married, you won't be able to use his real last name (y/n)." "Obviously Noah." Soon, Noah left and Michael was still looking at the papers.

"Your life must be interesting." He shook his head no. "Why not?" "You're not..In it." "Michael, I'm not supposed to be in that fake life of yours." "Still don't like it.." He mumbled. "Either was psycho boy, you're dealing with it. I don't need you killing people for money." He glared at Kate, not liking the nickname she gave him. (y/n) took the papers Michael was holding, to see his fake life for himself. "Olivia Vern, wife to William Vern, died in a car accident two days before her birthday. Cheska, mother of William Vern, wife to Mason Vern, died of a heart attack from work induced stress a week before their anniversary. Mason Vern, died later that week from depression. Huh, remind me if I ever need my life rewritten to ask Noah." "You'll never need that, you're such a pure soul." (y/n) looked at Kate while Michael laughed a bit. "Oh shut it psycho boy." (y/n) laughed and Michael glared at her. "It's getting late. I need to start looking for a job tomorrow. Night you two." "Night." Michael and (y/n) said at the same time.

Michael picked me up and started walking towards my room. "Put me down." "No." I sighed. "Don't throw me onto the bed you idiot." He smirked and threw me onto the bed. He turned off the light and got into the bed. "I'm not tired Michael." "I am." He pulled me closer. "I feel like you're not going to go along with those papers." "Nope." He said tiredly and fell sleep. I smiled as I heard light snoring. I played a game on my phone for a bit. I had a few days off from work. A few hours passed and I started getting tired.

"Ahh." Michael started to suck on (y/n) right nipple and play with his left one. "Michael, more~" He gently bit his nipple and left a trail of kisses down her stomach, leaving small hickeys along the way. Michael stuck a finger inside of him while jacking him off. (y/n) moaned, wanting more then just his fingers inside of him Michael stuck his tongue in hi-

"Hmmm." I was woken out of my sleep. "You're moaning." I looked at Michael and felt my cheeks become red. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Go back to sleep." I turned on my side. "Mhm." He pulled me towards him and we both went to sleep. Morning came and I woke to the sound of birds. Michael wasn't next to me so I got up and went downstairs. Kate had left because of work and Michael wasn't in the kitchen or living room. "Michael?" There was no answer. "That's weird." I checked the house and he wasn't in any of the rooms or bathrooms. I shrugged and sat on the couch, playing some games on my phone. Lunch came and I looked in the fridge. "I have to go out for shit." I sighed and grabbed my keys. I locked the house and drove to the store. "(y/n)!" "Tracy! Hey." "How's work?" "It's good." Tracy was on break, we don't see each other often. I'm either working or she is, so it's hard to hang out. "My breaks up, see ya." I waved as she went back in and I did some shopping. I got back and put the groceries away.

There was a small trail of blood leading from the back door to the living room. "And I somehow missed this." I sighed. "Michael!" I went upstairs and heard the shower running. I walked in and Michael looked at me. "Did you go on a killing spree?" He nodded and pointed to the counter. There was money. "Kate will kill you one day." He shrugged. I grabbed the money and his clothes. I put his clothes in the washer and cleaned up the blood. Kate got home a few minutes after. "Hey, how's Michaels job hunting going? Sticking to the script?" "Yeah, he got home an hour earlier." I lied. "Any of them decide to call him back?" "I think one of them might. Don't forget, he isn't the best in social situations." "True." We heard Michael walk down the stairs. He was only wearing his boxers. "Why is you're boy- did you two f-" "No, we didn't." I sighed. "You have extra clothes, go get dressed." He just stood there. "Oh, yeah, here." I handed Kate some cash and she looked at me. "Ask Michael." "He did not go out and fucking kill someone." I shrugged and walked off. "Michael you bitch! What happened to getting a job!" I could hear her yelling at him while he stayed silent.

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