Chapter 19

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(y/n) kept thrashing in his lap, headbutting his chin, he groaned. "Stop thrashing around." He said, rubbing his chin. "Let me go!" Michael sighed and held him tightly. He took his mask off and turned his head. He went to kiss him, but (y/n) hit his forehead against Michaels nose, cracking it. Blood ran down his nose as he held it, groaning. He got out of his grip and ran out the house. (y/n) knew calling the cops would result in nothing but death. He had enough of that in his past and now. Twice he almost lost his best friend by the man he thought he loved. (y/n) didn't grab his keys, he couldn't drive away from hell. He kept running, no matter where he went, he knew he'd find him. His legs begun to grow tired and he was panting.

"No...Not now..." I fell to the ground. I went to grab my phone and couldn't find it. 'No..I couldn't have dropped it. Did I leave it? Shit!' I thought to myself. I looked around me, but my phone was no where. I looked behind me and my heart stopped. There, stood Michael, with his mask back on and knife in hand. "Leave me alone!" I got up, tripping over my feet in the process. Someone must have heard me because I heard a door open. "Young man, leave that boy alone!" I looked over to see an elderly man. Michael turned to him and started walking towards him. "Fuck. Michael don't!" The mans eyes filled with fear. I tiredly ran and grabbed Michael by his waist. He started dragging me with him. "Michael! Leave the man alone!" He kept going towards the man. I let him go and ran in front of the man. Michael tilted his head at me.

"Leave this man alone Michael!" He just stared at me. "Thank you for trying to help, but please. Go back inside sir." "B-But that's Michael Myers he'll kill you!" I heard Michael walking towards us. "He won't. Just please go back inside. I don't want anyone else to die." "I'll call the cops." The man ran back inside before I could stop him. "Shit." I turned around to see Michael, breathing heavily. He seemed to be pissed. "M-Michael?" His masked face got closer to mine. I could see the mixed emotions in his eyes. Sirens were heard in the distance. He grunted, annoyed, and threw me over his shoulder. "Put me down!" I started hitting his back. "Stop it!" He yelled, I could hear the irritation in his voice. I stopped. I could see the lights of the cop cars getting closer, the sirens got louder. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to yell out, I wanted the cops to hear me. I couldn't risk their lives, I didn't want to see them die.

He kept walking, soon kicking open a door and slamming it. He threw me on the couch and I seen we were back at mine and Kate's place. He slammed his knife into the coffee table, right next to my phone. I looked at him, scared. He took his mask off and threw it next to his knife. I watched his every movement. He moved towards me. I wanted to run, but I had no where to go. He'd grab me if I tried. He got over top of me and roughly grabbed my chin. I tried to move my head, but it hurt from his grip. He kissed me and bit my bottom lip. "Mmph." I struggled in his grip. He pulled away and looked at me. "Please (y/n) I-" "I don't want to hear it! I'm not forgiving you Michael! You almost killed my friend twice. You almost killed her friend!" I struggled against him more. I wanted him off of me. "Get off of me!" He sat there, straddling my hips the best he could. Unfazed by my struggling and yelling.

"You're going to tire yourself out." I didn't listen to him. "(y/n), I'm sorry." "No you're fucking not! You weren't in the past and you weren't when you first tried to kill her!" "In the past I tried to tell you. When I went to your house, you and your mother were gone. I didn't mean to kill your father or fuck up your life. If your friend didn't start that fight, she wouldn't have pissed me off. If you guys weren't at that party-" "I told you I was going! I asked you to not go out killing! At least not at the party!" I heard my phone going off and reached for it. "Hello?" "Is this (y/n) (l/n)?" "Um, yeah." "I'm Kate's doctor. She won't be allowed to leave for a few weeks because of her health." "What do you mean? Earlier today I went to see her. She was doing fine." "We don't know how it happened. We're waiting for tests results to come back." I finished the call with the doctor and glared at Michael. "Get the fuck off of me Michael!" He didn't move and I reached for his knife. He grabbed my wrist, gripping it roughly. "Don't even think about it."

"L-Let go...It hurts." He let go of my wrist and I held it. It was red and would possibly be bruised when I wake up. "I'm going to lose my bestfriend because of you!" I felt tears stream down my face. I was pissed off and sad, I didn't want to lose her. She was the only family I had left. I felt him wipe my tears and smacked his hand away. "Why won't you leave!" "Because I love you, we need each other." "I don't need you Michael! You ruined my life twice!" He just looked at me. I tired to move, but couldn't. "Move Michael." "Only if you'll listen to me." I sighed. "Fine." "I'm not asking for forgiveness. I know what I am and so do you. Please, I just want another chance. I'll change." "It sounds like you want forgiveness. You proved to me that you couldn't change." He looked like he was thinking. "Regardless, I'm not leaving. I plan to stay by your side till the day you die." "You've got to be kidding me." I groaned. 'This can't be happening.' I thought. "Shouldn't you be getting rest? I know you probably want to check on your friends."

He smiled and got off of me. I watched as he grabbed his mask and pulled his knife out of the table. "Why don't we go get some rest?" "I prefer the couch." "And I prefer you next to me in bed." He picked me up, sliding his knife into his pocket. "Put me down!" He walked up the stairs and into my room. He threw me onto the bed and shut the door. "I'm not staying in here with you Michael." "Yes, you are." He sat his knife and mask down, stripping to his boxers. I got off my bed only to be pushed back into it. Michael got over top of me. I struggled against him. He held my wrists above my head, tightly. With his free hand, he grabbed my jaw roughly. I started kicking against him. "Even better when you fight me." He kissed me roughly and I kept kicking him. 'I don't like this.' I thought as tears streamed down my face. He pulled back and moved his head towards my neck. "Michael, stop! Please!" "You always loved this."

I felt myself being shook awake. I jolted up and looked to see Kate at my side. "Kate?" "Yeah, are you alright?" "You're supposed to be at the hospital still. Michael was here, he...He.." "You're fine, Michael isn't here. It was a bad dream." I hugged her. "Let's get some lunch." "Lunch? I slept that long?" Kate nodded. "I tried to call you, but you wouldn't answer. I had to call Taylor to see if she'd bring me back."

Little did they know, Michael was watching from outside as they talked. He was wondering how he could possibly get back into (y/n)s life. 

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