Ch 34

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Liam Moonhovan

"Come on, Liam, the meeting starts in five minutes," Zach said from the door as I struggled to gather my belongings. 

"I know, I know, I just forgot," I said as I snatched up my jacket. "Wait there's nobody to pick up Alexis" I said freezing. Zar was out of town as usual; as a flight attendant, she was only in town for a few weeks.

He exhaled irritably, "Fucking get Enzo to do it, just hurry the fuck up." I gave it some thought; I did trust him with Alexis... As long as they weren't cooking, that is. 

I murmured, "Fine, just stop saying fuck," as I pulled out my phone and followed the angry brunette to the elevators.

"What's up, Liam?" Enzo asked, and I could hear the TV in the background. 

"Hey Enz, I need a favor," I replied, glaring at Zach as he bounced his leg impatiently.

 "What's is it?" Enzo asked, his voice franker than usual due to my urgency. 

"Can you please pick up Alexis for me since I have a last-minute meeting?" I asked biting my lip.

"Of course," Enzo exclaimed with glee.

 "Great, cooking." I chuckled following behind Zach who was practically running. 

"Aren't you late for your meeting?" Enzo teasedly asked. 

"Yea, yea bye. Thank you "I said, and he swiftly replied, 

"Bye." I hung up and informed the school that Alexis would be picked up by someone else before following Zach into the conference room.

Enzo Toun

"Hey Kido, you're stuck with me since your dad is at work," I remarked as I approached Alexis, knowing she wouldn't recognize my car.

 "Really?" I nodded as she asked, staring up at me. It was strange since I'd never spent time with her alone before, and I didn't know what to do with her. 

"Can we go for frozen yoghurt?" She asked, eager. 

"Of course,"  She slid into the back seats as I chuckled and opened the back doors. I'm thankful she was a chatty kid who spent the entire way there telling me about school.

We arrived at the same mall and met at the same frozen yoghurt store where I had first met her. "Can I try some of yours, Enzo?" Kneeling on the seat, Alexis asked. 

"Sure," I said as I gently moved my cup towards her, a slight smile on my face as she joyfully dipped her spoon in and took some. 

"Do you want some?" Alexis asked offing her. 

"No thanks," I said, smiling, and she nodded.

"Is papa going to finish work soon?" She asked me munching on a strawberry. 

"I'm not sure," I admitted honestly, "but I hope so. Do you miss him?" I asked looking over at her. 

"A little, but he says he is working hard for me" She murmured making my heart soften. 

"You really love your dad huh?" I chuckled.

 "Mhmm, he's the best" She nodded enthusiastically making me chuckle. 

"Yea he is" I said taking a spoonful of my frozen yoghurt. 

"Do you have a crush on papa?"

I really need to stop eating around this kid I thought almost choking at surprise of her question. Kids really are super blunt huh? 

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