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Liam Moonhovan

Five years later

"Oh my fuck. Liam, Don't do it like that" Zach groaned shaking his head dramatically.

I turned to him with a frustrated deadpan look. "Oh my fuck Liam don't do it like that" I imitated him annoyed, shaking my head. "How the fuck do I do it then?"

Zach rolled his eyes taking the object from my hands. "Like this" he said showing me what to do.

"Who even coordinates this shit?" I said grabbing it from him but doing what he said either way.

"Just do it like this. it'll be cuter. Trust me" Zach said making me groan as I put it in my pocket.

I sighed turning to him. "When are him and Madi gonna be back?" I asked impatiently.

"I dunno, but Zar and Tobi are keeping the kid away so the parent can play" he said wiggling his eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes pushing his face away. "You're fucking gross" I said as we both chuckled.

"And you need to go get your boyfriend, because I want my wife back now" He said waving his hand in my face showing me the golden band on his finger.

"I get it. You're married. Now calm your tits" I said rolling my eyes.

Of course I was happy for him and really proud. I may have shed a few tears at his wedding, but I did give one heck of a best man speech embarrassing him to the core. He and Madi had been married for two years and were the definition of those couples that made you feel single eve if you aren't.

"They're here" Zach exclaimed walking to the front of the house. I smiled seeing Enzo get out of the car.

his hair up in a bun and sunglasses placed on his head as he wore a Button Button white shirt with the first few buttons undone and black shorts, both rings on his fingers and the millions of bracelets Alexis' made him that he refused to take off.

I felt a wave of nervousness pull over me as I realized there was now turning back now. I followed Zach out of the house and he went over to his wife kissing her, and her growing baby bump happily.

"You ready to go?" Enzo asked after lightly placing a kiss on my cheek and I nodded. After saying goodbye to the two we left in Enzo's car backing away from their house.

I was growing more and more nervous, fiddling with my fingers, and biting my lip. "Are you alright?" Enzo asked placing his hand on mine, and drawing my hands away from each other.

"I'm fine my love. just thinking" I shrugged intertwining out hands and staring down at the rings with a soft smile.

Enzo's fingers locked around mine, a smile playing onto his face to. "Wanna talk about it?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Uh its nothing really. I'm just nervous for my little baby to start middle school soon" I shrugged. It wasn't a lie, but I had other things on my mind to.

Enzo chuckled. "You've raised one hell of a tough cookie, everything will be fine" he smiled.

"You raised one hell of s tough cookie too. I didn't do it alone" I said.

Enzo smiled at me and nodded. I realized we'd come to a stop. Everything was set up in the house and I was ready.

As we walked up the porch I turned to him. "Ok I have a surprise for you" I smiled putting my hand on the door as he raised an eyebrow.

"I have one for you too" Enzo admitted, making me wonder. I opened the door leading him to the kitchen and his face broke out into a smile. "For me?" He asked looking at the set up.

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