~twenty four~

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hey Jisung

where the hell are you?


he's in his room

no he's not

i just went in there so
i could take my hoodie back
and he's not there

i went to sleep early last night
but i thought he was asleep when
i went to sleep at 12

maybe he woke up early and went
to the studio

i'm gonna try calling him

he's not picking up

i shouldn't have fallen asleep so early

he's been doing this too much

it's not your fault

do you want me to go get him?

no it's okay

i'll go


Chan sighed, threw on a random hoodie and some shorts, then left to the studio where he assumed Jisung would be since this had become a somewhat regular occurrence in the past few months.

He walked into the studio and frowned when he saw Jisung laying his head down on his notebook passed out.

He walked even closer and noticed the tear stains on the younger's cheeks, his puffy swollen eyes, the scribbled out words on the notebook, and how he was still loosely holding onto the pen he was using to write lyrics.

"Why are you being so hard on yourself?" Chan mumbled and brushed Jisung's hair out of his face. "Hey, Jisung."

"10 more hours please," Jisung mumbled, without moving.

"I'll give you 10 more hours once you're at home and in your bed," Chan replied with a small laugh.

"Are you mad at me?" Jisung questioned, sitting up and closing his notebook with a pout. He had waited for Chan to fall asleep specifically so that he could go against his rule about not staying at the studio too late. It would make complete sense for Chan to be mad at him.

"I'm more worried than I am mad...We can talk about it later though. Can you walk or do you want me to carry you?"

Jisung felt the kind of sick that some people might usually feel when they are sleep deprived meaning that he felt weak, sweaty, and like he could pass out at any moment but he didn't want to cause Chan any more trouble than he already has.

"I can walk," Jisung mumbled and stood up, slowly walking to throw away the three coffee cups that were also on the table then grabbed his notebook so that he and Chan could leave.

Chan held out his hand for Jisung to take which the younger quickly complied and held Chan's hand as they walked out of the studio and began to walk back to their apartment.

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