Big Mouth

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I know exactly who's going to be on the other side of my door when I hear three loud bangs. Ethan looks over at me with concern. I sigh, ready for an earful, as I get out of bed and open my dorm room's door.

Monty barges in, still wearing that hideous sweater and exclaims, "Preston, you mother fucker!"

"I'm gonna leave you guys alone," Ethan tells us, standing up and grabbing his notes, then textbook. "Text me when you're done, Preston." And he shuts the door behind him.

Monty continues throwing his anger at me. "You can't just say that in front of my family. My parents, Preston. Fuck, my grandma!"

"Why not?" I question, crossing my arms over my chest to hold my ground.

Monty gives me the most bewildered look, "God, you don't even see what you did was wrong, do you?"

"How was it wrong?"

Their hands are animated as they shout, "You were unbelievably disrespectful! One of these days, you're going to speak before thinking, like you always do, and you're gonna get yourself and others in trouble with your big mouth."

"Ya' know what? I'm sick of people telling me I don't think before I speak. Who fucking cares?! I say what I want to say because what the fuck's the point of having a mouth if I have to keep it shut? I'm just speaking the truth," I shout back.

"Oh, right," Monty laughs sardonically, "you only speak the truth." Their tone is sarcastic.

"I do! I give my opinions and speak when I want to, even if it offends people because sometimes people need to hear shit that no one else will tell them. Maybe people need to start thinking less before they speak. So, if you came over here to get an apology, you're not gonna get one. Your parents need to understand their son can be whoever the fuck they want to be! Your parents should want you to be happy and see your real smile instead of that stupid fake smile you gave at that shitty dinner-"

Monty's lips are on my mouth with their big hands capturing my face before I can get another word out.

I grip the sides of their disgusting sweater, and kiss them back. Our mouths open and their tongue takes over my mouth. Monty continues stepping forward until my back is bumping into my dresser, (I hear something fall off of it, but I don't care). We're kissing each other with such power and lust, I'm already hard thinking about all the ways I want them to touch me.

"I fucking hate your sweater," I tell Monty against their lips.

I feel Monty smile, "you also hate my crop-tops," they point out.

"I hate everything you wear."

"Then take my clothes off already," Monty demands.

And I do. I lift their sweater off, tossing it somewhere on the ground (I hope it landed in my trash bin) before roughly unbuttoning their dress shirt. Finally, Monty's dark, bare skin is under my fingertips and I make sure I feel every dip of their body.

Monty pulls my shirt up and I lift my arms to help them out.

And this is where I drop the NSFW warning for the girls, gays, and theys because I'm about to fuck the shit out of Monty.

I roughly push Monty against my loft bed, my mouth devouring theirs as my hands go to Monty's stupid chino pants. Once their pants are taken off, Monty spins us around till I have my back to my loft bed. Now my jeans are at my ankles and- while still kissing Monty- I step out of my skinny jeans and kick them aside.

I push Monty back, breaking our kiss, both of us panting and wanting more. "I'm not bottom," I state firmly.

Monty laughs, "you think I'm gonna let you be inside me?"

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