A Debate

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Remember that annoying classmate? I'm currently rolling my eyes at him as he speaks.

I'm in this "Topics of Today" class or some shit like that. I don't need it for my major, but it seemed like an interesting elective. I just didn't know I'd have to sit through an hour of listening to this shit-head's opinions.

But if you know me, you'd know I'm also opinionated. 

Right now, "Gender Roles." is our topic.

The annoying classmate is currently speaking, "Gender roles are laws of the past. In today's day-and-age, more and more people are getting comfortable with the notion that you don't have to follow the stereotypes of what's considered 'girly' and 'manly'. Like pronouns. I use any pronoun, but mainly they/them."

I scoff, "So, you're multiple people?"

The guy is turned around in his seat and looking at me now, "No, that's not what that means. I just don't feel I am either 'he' nor 'she', so using they/them pronouns is the absence of a gender."

"That just makes it too fucking complicated."

He narrows his eyes at me. "What the fuck's complicated about it?"

"I'm glad we can have a discussion," Professor Stevens starts, "but can we watch the language?" But, we ignore him.

"I don't care if you're transgender or whatever," I speak. "That's fine. Just pick a gender."

"Wow," the guy scoffs, "I'm so glad you are fine with transgender people. I'm non-binary, not transgender."

Okay, now I'm actually confused, "what the fuck is 'non-binary'?"

"There's absolutely no point in me explaining it. You're just a closed-minded white boy and probably a homophobic asshole as well."

"Woah, alright," our Professor cuts in, but I ignore him again.

I stand up from my seat, "Hey, gender and sexuality don't correlate! And I've fucked plenty of guys," I exclaim to my classmate matter-of-factly (even though I've only fucked one guy in my life).

I don't even pay mind to the other students snickering and making comments. I don't care, I'll let the whole world know I fuck guys.

"Alright, that's enough for today!" Professor Stevens cuts in. "Thank you gentlemen for leading our discussion. Let's pick this up... or not pick this up on Wednesday!"

All of us already have our notes and laptops put away and standing up. As students circle out, the Professor adds, "and remember that paragraph due on Wednesday as well and we're started a new assignment!"

Unfortunately, as I'm walking out, the same guy with his dumb opinions is walking out at the same time as me.

I'm hoping he turns the corner or something so we're not walking in the same direction, but it looks like we're headed the same way. But, I'm not a pussy, so I'm not going to speed up or slow down so we're no longer next to each other. But, it looks like neither will he.

To be fair, the hallway is wide so we're not next next to each other. That is until we get to the staircase and have to be closer together. Then he breaks the silence.

"So you're gay, but non-binary phobic, and-"

I stop and then he stops and cuts his own sentence short. People pass us, not looking the happiest that we stopped. And I get a good look at him. He's taller than me (barely) so I have to tilt my head some. He's skinny and has big, smooth lips, a wide nose with a sparkly stud on the right nostril. And deep brown eyes.

He's wearing grey sweatpants that hang too low, so everyone can get a view of the waistband of his Calvin Klein briefs. A navy blue, dumb crop-top t-shirt. A pale, pink baseball hat worn backwards.

"I told you, I don't know what 'non-binary' means. And I'm not gay, I'm just Preston. And you..."


God, even his name is gay. Who names their kid Monty? That has to be short for something.

"Right, Monty, just because you're opinions are different than mine, doesn't mean I'm an asshole."

"Different? You're 'opinions' aren't opinions, you're just uneducated."

"Think what you want to think," I shrug, "I don't care. And while we're at it, stop stalking me."

He raises his eyebrows at me, looking like he's about to laugh in my face. "Stalking you? Yeah, okay. Don't flatter yourself. We go to the same school, we're bound to see each other."

"Well..." I'm not normally at a lose of words, but obviously he's right; it's just an unfortunate coincidence we keep seeing each other outside of class. "Whatever, just... don't speak to me."


And of course, our Professor assigns us as partners on Wednesday morning.


You guys know me, I love clichés ;)

Thank you for reading! Comment and vote!! <3

-Xoxo, Bert


Monty... I love crop-tops 😋🥵

 I love crop-tops 😋🥵

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