Chapter 4

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POV Ace/Bear

Friday night was crazy. Viper and I  ended up double teaming some blonde club girl in front of the entire club after too much whiskey and coke. Needless to say, it wasn't our finest moment. I was just glad that Petal and Margo weren't anywhere around and would never find out about it.

The rest of the club including our fathers thought it was hilarious and we hadn't heard the end of it all morning.

It was now Saturday night and Natalia and the other Old Ladies were serving us dinner. All the Old Ladies were quiet and I knew that they were upset at Viper and I. For some reason all of them were protective of Petal and Margo. None of the ladies would dare say anything though. Part of me wished that they would. I was feeling guilty and I deserved to be yelled at.

Natalia's glared were fairly vile though. She shot daggers with her eyes at both of us but we didn't call her on it. I was glad that she felt something for my sister and Petal. It showed that she cared for someone in this club. Fuck knows, she hated the rest of us. It wasn't our fault that her Dad gave her to Shooter as a peace offering. It also wasn't our fault that Shooter treated her like shit and that she wouldn't be the submissive woman she should be. I noticed that she had a few bruises on her arm and she was walking with a limp. Shooter must have had to put her in her place again last night. She just needed to learn.

Speaking of Petal and Margo, I hadn't seen them all day.

"Have you seen our sisters?" I asked Viper who shrugged.

I noticed that Natalia tensed but she walked away before I could question it.

"They're probably up in their room. You know how they are." Shooter scoffed.

"Did they eat anything?" I pressed.

"I'm sure they did earlier." Dad stated.

I sighed but didn't press it. I hated that they didn't seem to want to spend any time with us. We were their family. They should want to be with us. Once I claimed Petal, things were gonna change. I would have her in my lap while I ate.

"They should be helping. That's their job." Shooter complained.

"They help with all the cleaning and the cooking during the week. They actually do more around here then any of the rest of us. On the weekends they usually have homework or work at the diner." one of the Old Ladies replied cautiously.

Dad and Pres both glared at her as her Old Man slapped her for speaking up. She fell to the ground as we watched.

"Shut your mouth, bitch." her man commanded.

She slowly stood and looked at us.

"I'm sorry." she whispered and then hurried back to the kitchen were she belonged.

Pres shook his head and sighed.

"She's right though." Viper spoke up.

I nodded in agreement. While Petal and Margo didn't spend much time with us, they were always busy around here. They were the ones that cleaned the rooms of anyone that didn't have an Old Lady which was well over half of us. They made breakfasts during the week and helped with all the weekday meals.

Dad and Pres looked at each other in thought.

"Yeah, maybe we expect too much from them..." Pres trailed off.

"At their ages, we had already dropped out of school and were prospecting. Viper's only still in school to watch over them. They do more than any of us ever did. They get straight A's, are set to graduate on time, help around here, babysit whenever one of the brothers need them to, and work jobs." Joker added.

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