Chapter 14

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POV Petal

I smiled back at him and a second later Willa and West noticed them and ran over, tackling them just like they did us.

"Bros! You finally made it!" West chuckled as they picked each other up from the floor.

"Come on! Come meet the girls and the Rebels. Your gonna love them!" Willa demanded as she pulled the biggest one over to us. West and the other two followed them.

When they got to us, Willa let go of the big one and Joker hurried to him and exchanged a quick kiss. They both blushed when Willa awwed at them. Joker then took his hand and brought him over to me.

"Blade this is my baby sis, Petal or Athena as the gang likes to call her." Joker said.

"Or Goddess!" Dom yelled out as he walked up and put is arms around Margo. Decker followed him over and did the same to Nat.

"This is Margo, her best friend and Nat her other best friend. That's Dom and Decker, their boyfriends." Joker continued after he rolled his eyes.

"That's Thor and Sunny the Rebels leaders. You know Thrash." he gestured over to them.

"Everyone this is Blade, my Boy friend." Joker said after a deep breath.

"Otherwise known as Iron to the MC and our third oldest brother." Willa added and I smiled at the giant.

I put my hand out to him to shake. He took it and shook it gently. I could tell that he was trying to make sure he didn't harm me.

"It's nice to finally meet you. Joker has told me a lot about you. You seem to make him very happy." I said and he grinned back at me.

"I was about to say the exact same thing." he lowly said and I smiled wider.

After he shook everyone hands the introductions continued.

"This is our second oldest brother, Ash but the MC calls him Eagle." West continued and the kind looking man stepped forward.

I lifted my hand again but he grabbed it and surprised me by pulling me into a soft hug.

"The twins and Joker have talked about you so much, I feel like I already know you. I'm so sorry that you are going through all this but I'm happy to help you in any way I can." he said and I hugged him tighter.

He felt like a real brother, like someone that was safe.

After Ash hugged everyone else the other man stepped forward. He looked directly at me through all of the introductions.

"This is our youngest older brother, Jaden or Breaker in the MC". Willa rushed to say.

I went to shake his hand and felt a rush of butterflies and calmness when our hands met.

"Petal." he breathed as he stepped closer to me.

He never broke eye contact as he stared at me for a few moments and I found myself in a daze. Someone cleared their throat and I shook myself clear.

"Breaker, it's nice to meet you." I rushed to say and he frowned

"Jaden." he narrowed his eyes at me.

I shot him a confused look.

"It's Jaden for you, sweetheart." he clarified softly and I blushed.

"Jaden." I whispered and he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

I finally let go of his hand and his eyes shot open. He frowned again but Dom rushed to meet him and he soon made the rounds to shake everyone's hands. When he was done, he hurried over to stand close to my side. Joker stood on my other side and I felt incredibly safe but a bit claustrophobic. I looked over to Margo who just smirked at me. Dom whispered something in her ear as they both looked at me and they chuckled together. I narrowed my eyes at them.

"Petal?" Joker nudged me and I looked up at him, confused.

"Blade was just asking how you were doing after tonight." he added and I looked sheepishly at Blade.

"Sorry. I was lost in my thoughts. I'm okay, I guess. I know that Bear isn't going to stop. I don't think Shooter will either. They may have signed but in their minds, I still belong to them. So do Nat and Margo. Viper seemed to be the most open to it then any one else but who knows how long that will last. He always followed whatever our big brother and Bear said." I answered.

"Viper is your twin?" Ash clarified and I nodded.

"Yep and Shooter is our oldest brother. Bear is Margo's brother and the Lost Boy's President. He seems to think that Petal is his Old Lady whether she has agreed or not. " Joker added.

Jayden took a sharp breath in and saw him clench his hands and jaw when he heard that.

"You never even agreed to be his?" Ash asked.

"Nope. Margo and I left the day before he was going to ask me and Viper was going to ask Margo to be his." I replied.

"Shooter seems to think that Nat is still his Old Lady as well. I don't know what is confusing about the divorce papers he got." Decker added with a growl.

"Yeah, we caught up to them as they were walking back to their bikes to try to get a read on them and I think you're right. Shooter and Bear are not giving up. I'm not sure about the rest of the Club but if Bear is the Pres, he will not allow this to end so quickly." Ash spoke up and Blade nodded.

"We really did try to change their minds. We figured that we could see it from their sides more since we fucked up so bad with the twins. I hoped that they would listen but I'm afraid that there is nothing we can do." Jaden added as he sent me a sympathetic look.

"Thanks for trying." I softly replied and he sent me a small smile.

"We may need to implement plan B sooner than we thought." Thrash stated

I looked at Nat and Margo and they both cringed. Then I looked over to the twins. West looked mad and Willa looked upset. Plan B was something that we all wanted to avoid. It was a last ditch option and I could only hope that we wouldn't need to do it. Once we did, there was no coming back from it. It would change all of us and I really didn't want that on me or my friends.

"We need to rest tonight and then we can meet in the afternoon and discuss more. I don't think that the Lost Boys will be able to make a move against you for a few days at least. We took all the weapons they had and the twins blew up their warehouse. It's gonna take them a while to find weapons and recover from tonight." Thor stated and Sunny nodded in agreement.

"Thrash, you and your men are welcome to bunk at the clubhouse. We have plenty of rooms for them." Sunny offered.

"That would be perfect." he agreed.

"I'm gonna stay here with the girls." Dom said.

"I'll stay here as well." Joker added as he looked to Blade.

"Me too." Blade quickly stated.

"Nat and I will be at her apartment." Decker spoke up.

"Can I stay with you two? I don't like anyone off by themselves just in case." Ash asked.

"Of course, you can stay in the guest room." Nat agreed.

Jaden looked at me.

"How many guest rooms do you have?" he inquired.

"Just the one for Joker and Blade. Why" I wondered.

"Got a couch?" he pressed and I nodded.

"Couch surfing for me it is." he decreed.

I glanced at Margo and she grinned at me before saying, "Sure. The more, the merrier."

Joker narrowed his eyes at Jaden but didn't say anything.

Jaden grinned and threw his arm around my shoulders.

"Let's go!" he called.

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